Chapter 9

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Adam looked at me confused and the woman glared at me.

"What are you doing back... so soon?" The lady looked up and down, surveying me.

"Why does it concern you?!" I said in an angered voice at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay. I'm so fucking confused! Do you know each other?" Adam asked and leaned against a wall. I started shaking with anger trying so hard not to rip her head off.

"Yeah, we know each other," I said through gritted teeth.

"She is the mother of my fake friend." I continued and clenched and unclenched my fists. I didn't wait for her to put her 2 cents worth of information.

"Give us our schedules so we don't have to be in each other's faces," I said, she slowly started looking for the pages while mumbling random shit under her breath. She glared at me as she handed over the paper, I flipped her off and ripped them out of her grip. I saw my brothers first

Xavier Franco

I laughed at the name, I looked at Adam over my shoulder and he gave a ridiculous smile. I laughed and looked at the next one.

Greta Zerr

I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous nature of the last names Adam picked out for them.

Adam Rodríguez

"Okay next time I pick names!" I mumbled as I held back laughter.

Blair Jacobson

I grinned at finally finding all the lists. I handed Adam his and he laughed.

"Rodríguez? Really babe?" I made fun of him and he nudged my shoulder. I laughed and pulled him out of the office not before the witch yelled at me.

"Don't talk to my son! You hear me, you fucking slut!!!" I turned and looked at her dead in the eyes.

"I warned him! He didn't listen to me, Mrs. Macklemore!! Talk to your son, you ignorant bitch!" I yelled back at her.


"If I have to survive one more minute looking for my class, I swear I'll kill everyone," I mumbled and kept on looking for my Grade 12 Functions and Relations course. My heels clicked down the empty hall soon it was followed by running shoes squeaking. I stopped and looked behind me, I saw a figure in all black looking at me.

I squinted looking to see if I could identify the person but when it started getting closer to me I pulled my phone out and scrolled for Adam's number, I knew he'd be on his phone speaking he was in University and he was sitting in a high school class.

Me: Babe how fast can you get to the first level??

Adam: In a split second... y u asking?

Me: Someone

Me: Behind me

Me: Help

Me: Now!

Adam: Tell me where u r! I'm on my to the staircase!

I looked behind myself and saw that he was still following me, I took a sudden left down a connector hallway which I hoped lead to the main staircase. I reached into my backpack and pulled out my brace knuckles as I prepared for a fight just in case. A hand clamped down on my shoulder, I brought my head back hitting the person in the face, I stomped my heel into its shin as I heard a howl of pain. I brought my fist around and hit them in the nose. Then I grabbed the head and smashed it into the nearest wall. The body collapsed but I didn't stop there, I kicked the body over so that whoever it was... was on his back.

I crouched down and grabbed the hood and pulled it back, the messy brown hair poured out of the hood. I gasped as it looked familiar, I went to open his eyelids but I noticed that his eyes were already open. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close and growled in my face, I brought my fist down and hit him in the temple area. He fell back down to the ground and I stood up.

I looked both ways before walking away from the way I came, finding my way to the staircase and found Adam pacing back and forth in front of the stairs. He looked up as I came around the corner with a neutral expression on my face. He ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thank God you are alright." He mumbled into my shoulder. I held him and laughed, I pulled him off of me so I could look into his eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked him jokingly.

"Well, you sounded panicked in the texts... so I thought the worst." He said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, I looked at the ground when a smile formed on my face. The bell rung suddenly to signal the teenagers that its lunch. I looked around as the doors burst wide open and everyone started swarming the halls. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carter come out into the main hall holding his face as blood dripped out from in between his fingers. Adam saw him also and gave me a look.

"What! He attacked me remember?" I said in a defensive tone and rolled my eyes as I walked towards the cafeteria.


Scar's Corner


Like mother... Like son... Am I right? Now you know where his... Cuntiness... Comes from.

Do you just have that one person who just boils your egg rolls? I have a page full of them.

Also... Insomnia? Anybody? Comes with being a writer I guess lol.

I love you all!!! Thanks for your support!!

You know what to do,






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