Chapter 23

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The air was heavy with the scent of sweat, blood, dust and cheap perfume. I wrapped my knuckles and my wrists before shoving them into the bulky boxing gloves. The bright fluorescent lights shone down onto the ring and everyone who was on it.

Adam shoved my mouthguard into place and I started to fiddle with it in my mouth.

"Remember what I said, speed is your greatest weapon against her." He reminded me and I started to roll my neck.

"She's extremely bottom heavy and her hands are way too high up. Hit her torso area and you'll win in no time, got it?" I nodded my head as the ref rung the bell and I sprung into action.

We started to circle each other as the heat started to rise up around us. She took a jab at me first but I ducked out of her way, she crashed into the elastic border around us. She growled as she turned to bare her teeth at me, she shuffled towards me again. She started to repeatedly punch me in my ribs, I had brought my elbows to block her. I tackled her in the stomach and brought my fist up into her ribs, she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"GET OUT OF THERE BLAIR!!!" I heard Adam yell from outside of the ring, my body was slammed into the floor. I groaned as the ref came to count me down, I pushed myself back up as he got to 2.

I huffed as we started at each other again, she came at me with determination but I had built up rage against her. She smirked at me as I came at her with the same determination as her, I started to swing at her head and she moved her arms to protect her face, I switched my attack down to her waist. She recoiled when I hit her in the stomach, she swung at me and hit me over the top of my eyebrow. My head snapped to the side and I let out a chuckle when she backed away from me, my eyes followed her like a lion hunting a gazelle. I felt warmth trickle down the side of my face but I ignored it and went for her again.

I started my vigorous assault on her bust area, my fists collided with her ribs and I felt them sink in. She let out a gasp in desperation for air, her arms went down and I took my chance. My knuckles connected with her jaw and her head snapped backward. She collapsed onto the ropes and the referee pulled me away from her as they went to check if she was okay. They opened her eyes and shone a flashlight into her eyes, they looked at each other then nodded their heads.

"AND THE WINNER IS ELIZABETH 'RAZOR' JACOB!!!!" They announced as the ref took my hand and raised it in the air. The atrium erupted in cheers mixed this some boo's, I turned to see Adam whistling at me and I smiled at my accomplishment.


I pushed my way through the crowd towards the bar after I got patched up and changed. Adam had disappeared to go claim the bet money that I won. I got to the bar and ordered a Mimosa, I turned around and rested my elbows on the countertop as I watched the sea of people dance along to the blasting bass music.

I looked around the club for anyone that looked like they'd know about what was going down next week. A glass was slid into my hand and I looked down at it before giving the bartender a twenty for my drink, I wiped the rim in search of any drug residue that could have been left there. When I found none I brought it up to my nose but then just didn't care and just downed the orange champagne cocktail.

I slammed the glass against the wood and let out an 'aah' like in those soda commercials. I saw the doors swing open and the men entered wearing dark clothes. I watched them shove through the crowd with one hand tucked into their trench coats, I stood up straight as they walked up to the doors that lead into the atrium. They were stopped by the guard but then let in as I saw a glimpse into the current fight.

I turned to the bartender who was wiping the glass as he stared off into the crowd of jumping bodies.

"What can you tell me about those guys that just came through?" I asked as I leaned over the counter close to him, he raised his eyebrow as his eye skirted mine.

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