Inspirations + Thank Yous

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I want to take a moment to say a great big thank you to you all for making everything that I have accomplished this year with Who Knew I'd Be Back. I honestly didn't think I would make it this far with it and that I'd just lose interest in the story... but I didn't! And thank you for all your wonderful comments and for supporting me and the book. 

Specifically, I want to thank   @kiki2urheart for their support as my best friend and parental-friend

@jdsfhdgk for making an example of what I shouldn't do as a writer (not throwing shade but you know.... GET WRITING)

I have had many inspirations in my life, many have left since I wrote this story but I still loved their inspiration for my book. I sadly had to revoke the idea of a second book because I'd rather leave this as is and not try to push myself to write a continuation. I'd rather focus on my other project Broken Wings.

Thank you readers for getting this far. Without you, I wouldn't have found the will to write but thank you too.

With that,



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