Chapter 11

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The white-haired boy shuttered as I pushed the knife deeper and deeper into his neck. He had already made several attempts to escape but you can imagine how that went. Anyway, he had already gotten many stab wounds in the thighs and arms cause of his failed attempts.

I've been trying to get information out of him but he wasn't budging I thought about hitting him so that it will make him understand that I could possibly kill him here and now.

"I'm asking you again... WHO ARE YOU WORKING FOR!!!" I yelled into his beat-up face but all he did was smile at me.

"I was told that you were all bark and no bite? Is that true?" He taunted me, I pulled his head back and smashed it into the brick walls of the alleyway. He groaned and coughed up some blood.

"Now that you know I'm not fucking joking... Tell. Me. Who. You. Are. Working. For." I repeated and this time I got the slightest of a response.

"You knew him when you two were younger." He said

"Are we playing the pronoun game? I want a name!" I said as I leaned forward resting my hands on my knees.

"YOU ALREADY KNOW THE NAME!" He yelled at me spitting out all the blood in his mouth. I stepped back and thought about it. I knew a few 'him' in my younger years... It all very from Carter to my Dad to Sam. I looked at him as I picked each person apart in my mind. I knew all of them really well... except for one.

"Carter," I whispered and the white-haired boy nodded his head. That's why I saw him come out of his house... there was a meeting and I'm living right next door to my enemy.

"What's your name?" I asked him, he was shocked by the change in my attitude.

"Cooper." He said in a small voice, I looked at him and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Does... does Carter treat his members good?" I asked nervously as I picked at my nails. He shook his head no. I looked down at the ground again, debating something.

"This morning when you saw me coming out of his house... I was beaten up by him because I choose not to follow his instructions." He looked up at me and I saw his eyes slightly water. I gave him a sad look.

"I was supposed to kill you all before you even made it into town." He said suddenly and I blinked confusedly at him.

"Ummm... What?" I asked in shock, he repeated it again and I leaned against the wall cleaning the knife on my jeans.

"So you mean... that my team is still alive because of you?" I asked still very confused.

"Well... yeah. I was supposed to bomb the whole team but when the day came I chickened out. And hid in myself until I was called to his house." He told me and I already knew the rest of the story. I reached into my back pocket to grab my phone but when I pulled it out the screen was shattered into oblivion.

I groaned and looked up at the sky... How the hell am I supposed to reach Adam if my phone is fucked?! I looked back down to see Cooper holding out a flip phone. I raised one eyebrow at him in curiosity.

"It's a burner phone... no one can trace it." He said as he waved it up and down in front of me.

"Seriously? Especially after I literally just tried to kill you like a thousand times?" I asked as I laughed.

"Consider it as a gift of gratitude that you actually didn't kill me." He joked and forcefully put it in my hand. He dusted himself off and started to limp away.

"HEY!" I called after him and he stopped and turned around.

"You seriously think that I'm just going to let you walk away looking like that?" I asked him looking up and down is bloody form. He looked down at himself and back at me. I rolled my eyes and pulled his arm towards the gate to grab my shoes, I flipped open the phone and dialled Adam's number.

"Hello??" His voice rung into my ear.

"Hey, babe! Ummmmm... it's an emergency. I need you to meet me at Brengle Terrace Park... Hurry!" I said before hanging up not waiting for his response. I pulled Cooper towards the entrance of the alleyway but before we stepped foot into the street I stopped him and looked around the wall. No one was in view so I quickly pulled him down toward the park.


It took us about 10 minutes to get to the park but when we did get there I saw Adam leaning against my car oblivious to the fact that I am going to slaughter him if he doesn't stand up straight.

"Sooooo... ummmmm who is it that we are meeting?" Cooper asks and I look at him.

"The guy that is leaning against my Audi that's the one that we are meeting," I growled as I looped Cooper's arm over my shoulder and pulled him towards Adam. Cooper was very light for his build and height, Adam looked at me and saw who I was dragging with me.

"What the hell Blair!! Why didn't you kill him?! And what hell happened to him?! And why is there blood all over you two!!" He yelled at the both of us

"Well, MOM! He tried to kill me and then I tried to kill him! Then I felt bad for him and said What the hell I can't leave him defenceless bleeding to death!" I yelled at him, he was challenging me to something that he can't win. I love him but sometimes he makes me want to kill him.

"I thought I taught you better Blair." He said in a cold voice, my jaw dropped.

"What the hell is your problem!" I flipped out and snatched my keys out of his hands. I gently sat Cooper into the passenger seat and glared at Adam. I slammed his door and walked around to the driver side.

"Come find me when you are in less of a heartless bitch," I said as I put the car into reverse and sped off.


Scar's Corner


What do you think of Cooper? And Adam's attitude towards him?

I've been desperately trying to write the next chapters because things are about to get interesting.

Anywhore!! No spoilers for you!!!

I love you all!!

You know what to do,






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