Chapter 19

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Adam and I were holding hands as we entered my house. We were suddenly attacked by my brother and Greta. My brother was yelling at Adam for being a dick and making me miss third and fourth period again. Greta was yelling at me for being late and that I promised to get her ready for her date with my brother.

My mother suddenly joined in the action and yelled at me for leaving school and disappearing for 2 hours. I groaned and gripped onto Adam's arm as he chuckled at my reaction to all the attention.

"Blair. Emergency sibling meeting! In my car!" Xavier raised his voice at me over the other yelling targetted at me.

"NOW!" He yelled and I quickly slipped out the door towards his Subaru BRZ. He unlocked the car as he came out after me. He slammed the front as he came at me furiously, I jumped into the car and waited for him to close me in. He slammed his hand against the roof of the car as he swung my door open.

"Where were you, Blair!?" He yelled at me.

"Carlsbad. We took a drive to clear our minds." I explained to him and he started to fume more.

"Clear your minds of what exactly Blair?! The last 2 periods you've skipped for the second day in a row?"

"OUR LIVES XAVIER!" His name was so foreign to my lips, I had always called him by his nicknames but never his full name. He looked at me with shock.

"So we are on full name basis now! I see how that is Blair-Elizabeth." He hissed through his clenched jaw. I shot out of the car and pushed him away from me.

"Fuck you, Xavier! I hate that name! I hate it! And you promised to never call me that again!!!" I yelled at him. He kicked a rock down the empty street.

"If you're going to take it the wrong way... then I'll call you by your hyphenated name, Xavier-Callum." I saw a shiver go down his spine as his eyes burned.

"Enough avoiding the subject Blair. Answer me. What lives were you talking about?" He crossed his arms and widened his stance.

"The accident," I whispered looking down to the ground.

"Huh. Speak up, Blair! You're not 5 years old." He growled at me.

"THE ACCIDENT!!! I wouldn't act like a 5-year-old if you stopped treating me like one!" I raised my voice. I saw a light flash from the living room, Adam had moved the curtain to see if I was okay. Our eyes locked and my eyes started to water, worry shot through his eyes. I quickly shook my head "no" to tell him not to come outside. My brother turned to see what I was looking at and Adam quickly slipped out of sight. I looked back at my brother, his jaw tightened more.

"Get in the car." He commanded

"What?" I asked in confusion

"GET INTO THE FUCKING CAR BLAIR!" He yelled at me but I held my ground.

"No, Xavier! Why are you pissed off about me telling Adam about the accident!?!?!" I hollered at him, he suddenly grabbed my arm and lurched me forwards. I saw the living room light flash again and both me and Xavier looked. Adam's face showed pure animosity as he let go of the curtain and made his way towards the front door.

"Xavier let go..."

"We have to go..." We started talking over each other

"If you know what's best you'd let me go right now..."

"Get into the car Blair.." He said as he twisted my hand behind my back and pushed me forwards.

"LET ME GO XAVIER!!" I yelled as I was thrashing around and pushing against him. The front door slammed but Xavier kept on pushing me into the car, I felt a hand wrap around my twisted arm. I turned my head to look at Adam as he set me free from my brother's grip, he didn't stop there.

Who Knew I'd Be Back | (Editing In Progress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang