Trip to Target (Matt Heafy)

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I was looking at some clothes at Target when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around to find a tattooed man. He was breathtaking! He cleared his throat before speaking.

"Excuse me, miss, but my ex girlfriend just walked in with a new guy, and I don't want her to see me alone..." he blushed a little as he looked to the ground.

"Alright, I got you. I'm Becca." I said as I grabbed his hand to hold.

"I'm Matt," he smiled at me, which I gladly returned. We walked for a little bit, calling each other cute pet names like "baby", "honey", and "sweet heart" when we ran into a couple, making Matt stop dead in his tracks. Hmm, this must be her ex and her new dude.

"Hello Matt," she smirked at him.

"Abbey.." he awkwardly trailed off as he looked away. She looked over at me with raised eyebrows.

"I see you have a new girl,"

"Yes. This is Becca," he paused to smile at me. "Who's your new guy?" He asked.

"This is Paolo," Abbey grinned at Paolo and kissed his cheek.

"I see... well it was good seeing you, and nice meeting you Paolo," matt told them. We said the rest of our goodbyes before going off in opposite directions.

"Oh god that was painful," matt let out a sigh of relief. I nodded in agreement.

"It was, but I'm glad I was able to help you out," I smiled up at him. He smiled back.

"Well, this has been fun. Would you maybe wanna go out again?" He asked with a shy smile.

"I'd love to!!"

—one month later—

Matt and I had just gotten done with dinner, and were just about to go into his place that he shared with his band mates. I have never met them before, so I was a bit anxious. Matt turned to me.

"Baby I have to tell you something.." he trailed off.

"Talk then," I held his hands, waiting for him to speak.

"You know how the day we met I didn't  want to seem like a loser to my ex?" I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"I lied... that wasn't my ex. That was just my band mate and his girlfriend and I needed an excuse to go up to you and they played along.... I understand if you wanna punch me or something." He looked away. I grabbed his chin gently, making him look up at me.

"I have never seen a guy do something like that just to talk to me. It's sweet," we smiled at each other.

"Well come on, let's go meet everyone, and properly re meet Paolo and Abbey," he laughed as we got out of his car

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