Smile (Eddie Van Halen)

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I lounged on a chair as I watched the boys practice. I love supporting the boys (especially my boy) as much I can, so the guys let me tag along to rehearsal if they are fine with it. I loved watching their creative process and seeing how they work together to come up with their brilliant work. I especially loved watching Eddie. How he would stick his tongue out ever so slightly as he concentrated on writing a new riff, the way his eyebrows would furrow together when writing down a thought he did not want to lose. But my favorite was when he smiles. The way his eyes light up when he especially loves the way they're all playing together, and how he smiles as he simply enjoys what he does.

"Eddie, she has that look in her eyes again," David laughed, making the rest of the band turn their heads to me. Eddie's grin widened when he made eye contact with me.

"What is it sweetheart?" He quietly inquired, making his way over to me.

"You know how I love watching you babe, that's all," I purred, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You're such a doll," he chuckled softly before planting a soft kiss on my lips, making the rest of the guys lightly tease us how we were "so cute its gross" and how we need to "get a room". But the teasing remarks doesn't bother us. We love each other, that's one of the most important things you could ask for.

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