I'm In Love With My Car (Roger Taylor)

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I tossed and turned in bed, while Roger slept peacefully next to me. I wanted to wake Roger up, but he looked so peaceful getting some much needed sleep. My eyes were closed, and sleep almost took over me, when I heard a moan come from Roger. It wasn't loud by any means, but it was loud enough for me to notice.

"Oh yeah baby, that's it. Mm, you know I love it when you squeal." Roger started talking quietly in his sleep. I snickered quietly, he must be dreaming about me.

"I love how it feels to be inside of you. I could go all night when I'm with you. My sweet, sexy car." I busted out laughing when he said that last sentance. Roger woke up very confused as to why I was losing it.

"What happened?" He asked in a quiet groggy voice.

"You were having a hot dream about your car!!" I cackled. A light blush tickled Roger's cheeks.

"N-no I wasn't!! You know I love you the most." He pouted.

"Whatever, just go jerk off to some of your car magazines,"

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