chocolate chip cookies (nameless ghoul-dewdrop)

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I dried my hands off after I got done washing them, ready to taste one of the cookies I just baked. I waltzed into the kitchen to grab a cookie, but when i got to the cookie sheets, there were none there! I instantly went over to Dewdrop, knowing he certainly would eat two dozen cookies if given the chance. He gave me his shit eating grin when I walked up to him.

"I know you did it Dew!" I scolded him.

"Well, I just wanted to taste one and make sure they were good! Then one became two, and two became twenty four." He shrugged.

"I was gone for like 3 minutes!" I crossed my arms over my chest

"Plenty of time for a ghoul to eat cookies!" He smirked.

"I didnt even get to try one," I whined.

"Well you can always make more," he burped right in my face. It smelled strongly of chocolate chip cookies. I rolled my eyes and marched off, not wanting to deal with his nonsense anymore. I love him dearly, but all I wanted was some cookies.

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