Summer's Not Hot (Ryan Gosling)

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"Ry, what's the temperature in here?" I looked over at my boyfriend. He looked over at the thermostat.

"86°" I let out an exasperated sigh and  threw my head back onto my pillow. Our air conditioner isn't working, and we are baking in our house. Someone isn't able to come out and look at it until tomorrow.

"That's too hot!" I whined. I ripped my clothes, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. Ryan followed suit, leaving him in his boxers.

"Ya know, this isn't too bad. I've felt way hotter," he shrugged.

"Are you crazy?? We are roasting in an oven right now!"

"But look," ryan touched my arm, and hissed as he yanked his hand away from me.  "You're burning hot like a fire," he winked at me. I rolled my eyes at his pun.

"Alright, I'll go get us some ice," he walked off to the kitchen.

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