swoon worthy (James McAvoy)

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My best friend, Abbey, kept giggling at me as I kept on swooning over one of my favorite actors, James McAvoy. "Oh gosh, where do I even start. Ok, that accent though. I could listen to it all day, it's just so sweet!! And those eyes!! They're so bright and pretty, I could get lost in them! Oh my gosh, and don't get me started on him in a kilt! Oh God, have you seen his calves in that kilt?? They are absolutely SHREDDED!!" we were sent into fits of laughter over my intensity.

"You really love him, don't you?" Abbey grinned at me.

"Ugh, yes. He's my dream man!" I exclaimed. We laughed once again, when a voice interrupted us.

"You're really talking about me again?" James smirked at me.

"Yes because you are literally perfect and I can't get over the fact that we are married!!" I held up my left hand, proudly showing off my ring. James' laughter rang through the room.

"You are such a goof. I love you so much."

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