sharing a bed (Per Eriksson)

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"I can't believe we have to share a bed." Per grumbled for what felt like the 60th time that night.

"Oh shut up! You know theres not enough room for me to have my own bed," I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. But I'm keeping us seperate," Per walked off before I could ask what he means. He soon returned with a stack of pillows in his arms, and he started to put them down the middle of the bed.

"A pillow wall? Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I ain't touching you," he placed the last one down. I wanted to bring up how there was no way that would stay up, but went against it. We laid down on our separate sides and drifted off to sleep. Well, I was almost asleep when Per started snoring loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood. I groaned and put a pillow over my head, but that wasn't helping. I began to kick his back, but the man didn't even flinch!

"Per, wake up!" I hissed. Nothing. I swear he could sleep through a tornado! I finally whacked him with a pillow, which woke him.

"Dude what the fuck!" He glared at me.

"You're snoring very loud," I informed him.

"Sorry, I'll remember to snore more quietly next time." He turned away from me once again. He fell asleep once again, and thankfully wasn't snoring this time. I was finally able to fall asleep.


I woke up shivering violently. I went to pull the blanket closer around my body, only to find no blanket. I huffed as I looked over to the peacefully sleeping suspect, who was indeed wrapped in my blanket along with his, a peaceful smile on his face. The pillow wall had also been destroyed (all pillows were on the ground). I attempted to pull my blanket from him, but it wasnt budging. I sighed and squeezed myself into the blankets, and cuddled up to him. I sighed as warmth washed over me.


I woke up and me and Per were all tangled-our legs were wrapped around each others and we held each other. His eyes opened at the same time as mine did. We simultaneously pulled away from each other.

"You're a wreck to sleep with honestly," I told him. He only rolled his eyes, not having a good comeback.

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