Chapter 2

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How? what? I get up unsteadily from the dirt floor, looking up at the massive steel walls in front of me. I'm standing here outside Fort9, when did I get here?

"awake are we?"

"father!" I exclaimed, I never thought I'd hear his voice again. He stood by the open steel gates, behind him Clarissa, whos crying for joy. Sean whos reaching out to hug me.. and SAM! he's alive, thank goodness, looks like he wasn't bitten after all.

"I'm so glad you're all here," I walk forward to them, but my feet don't move. I look down, my feet they cant move, looking back at them I see they're terrified expressions.

"CLOSE THE GATES!" father shouts.

Wait no, I'm still here, was what I wanted to say but nothing came out not even a squeak.

"CLOSE THEM NOW!" he shouts again, the veins from his neck about to burst.

Why would he need to close them? I'm still here, cant they see me? A familiar low growling and rotten stench get my attention. I turn back, but only my upper body since my legs are still paralyzed.

There they are, an enormous hoard, large enough to make a small country.

''WAIT'' I call out to my father, the doors almost covering him now as he walks away shaking his head, he still cant hear me. Clarrisa and Sam follow my father. Sean standing there, still not noticing me.

"SEAN, HELP ME!" I practically scream my lungs out, turning back now and then to watch the hoard inch closer.

He hears me, eyes stared right inyo mine.

"Sean," I call out once again. His mouth curves into an evil smirk then he grabs the handle of the closing metal doors, slamming them shut.

"...sean," I call out again, my voice barely even audible. As devastated as I am, now is not the time to cry, pull yourself together (Y/N), I am not going down crying.

I awkwardly half turn again, already accepting I'm going to die within seconds. Might as well get it over with. I close my eyes and focus on breathing,

"Hope you'll make it without me dad," I whisper to myself.

They come, and go for my arm,slowly shaking it. so this is.... wait, why are they shaking my arm, this is not how zombies kill. I refuse to open my eyes, scared of what I'll see.

"(Y/N)," someone calls softly.

My eyes shoot open, my hands grasping onto the tiled floors.

I'm still here, in the hospital, laying on the cold floor.

"(Y/N), okay?"

I see Jungkook leaning over, concern across his face.

"Yeah, thanks," I say shakily.

I can't believe that was a dream, maybe I'm crazy ... but I'd rather that dream be real instead of stuck here.

"Red," he says pointing at my eyes.

Oh.. well i guess thats probably since I was on the verge of crying. Can't tell him that though.

"Sleepy," i say hoping he'd leave.

He nods and awkwardly smiles before getting up and going into his room. There were no windows or clocks here, so I had no idea what time it was.

I shift to lie on my other side now, my eyes never leaving their doors. I didn't know who they were or what exactly they were, something about them didn't seem ordinary.

My eyelids start to get heavy and i resisted sleep so much afraid the nightmare would come back. Finally sleep won and my subconscious mind began tormenting me once again.

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