Chapter 27

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I used its arm to keep its chompers away from my flesh, but the arm isn't going to hold for much longer. With this thing laying on top of me, I'm kind of trapped, upper body strength isn't exactly in my favour today.

The sound of something slicing the air flies through, and the zombie atop me falls flat, it's mouth encompassing the flesh of its own arm.

Looking to my left, beside the rope of blankets, I see Jungkook kneeling on the  grass, gun in hand and pointed my way.

He lowers it, grinning proudly. Relief floods into me, letting me finally lay my head against the grass.

Hobi comes into sight now, cutting off my view of Jungkook, as he helps peel the corpse off me.

We both head back to where Jungkook and Jimin were.

Taehyung is climbing down now, Namjoon and I kinda forgot him in our little plan, feel kinda bad about it honestly.

I waited below him, ready to catch ...or atleast soften the blow if he falls, the least I could do after forgetting him in the plan.

Jimin and Hoseok were already working on transporting Jungkook into the back of the van.

After Taehyung, I'd go back up. Once he's untied and safe on the ground I held onto the rope, looking up I see Yoongis ass making its way down here and Namjoon up in the room, forming an X with his forearms.

....this isnt the plan.

"Tae whats going on?"

He shrugs in response before heading to the van himself. I ask yoongi the same question but all he tells me is 'Namjoon say go'.

What on earth is his plan? Namjoons one of the heaviest members, thanks to his height, with no one supporting the rope up there ....I doubt a few loops around the bedpost are going to support him.

Just as the thought passes my mind, the sound of fabric tearing and Namjoon yelping filled the air. True enough, he fell, atleast he was only 4 feet from the ground. He managed to fall on his feet however, his own feet get caught in the sheets and he tumbles forward to the ground.

I help him up as I gather the sheets, wow, the knots didnt become undone ...a sheet just ripped in half. He really is good at breaking things.

I helped him over to the van, throwing his arm around my shoulder. The place of impact from the second fall is his knee, walking is probably going to feel off for awhile for him.

"Why the change of plans?"  I let the annoyance show in my voice, as we walked.

"No time," he grunts, taking another step "zombies were piling up, the door was going to open," he took a deep breath and clutched onto his thigh.

He turned to me with a grave expression "What if you were left up alone?"

My head jerks back, physically and emotionally taken aback by his words.

Namjoons smart, he knew he could fall. Yet he still did so protect me? I mean he still would have fallen regardless since he frikin tore the sheet in half somehow.

But still, a smile spread onto my face, a warmth washed over me as I looked away from Namjoon and focused on hauling him over to the van.

The little scene just now seemed to have lured more zombies from their hiding spots. They too were limping closer to the open doors of the van.

"Namjoon we need to hurry." I sling an arm around his waist, pulling him forward as we went but his 6 foot stature wasn't exactly making it easy.

"Are you in alot of pain?" I asked when he hissed, perhaps from putting too much pressure on the injured leg.

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