Chapter 7

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"What are you two doing?" A voice exclaims.

Both Namjoon and I open our eyes still holding on tightly to each other, 5 familiar faces stare back all wearing dumbfounded expressions.

"Hyung? (Y/N)?" Jungkook asks.

Namjoon and I look back at each other and then at them. "It's not what it looks like!"

I unwrap my legs and he quickly lets go of my waist, pushing each other away at the same time. He rolls away to Taehyung and Jungkook and they help him up.

Jimin offers to help me up but I politely decline and get up on my own.

Namjoon POV:

"Why did you guys scare us like that!"

"Why were you hugging her like that," Jungkook says loud enough for only me and Taehyung to hear as he helps me up.

Seems like someone's a little jealous.

Before a disagreement could break out Jimin intervened "you can explain all of this in the van. Lets go first before the scary guys come out,"


(Y/N) knew a place nearby. So she's sitting shotgun to show Jin the way.

The rest of us are in the back with all our stuff and I'm still explaining what happened just now. Yoongi fell asleep in the corner of van the whole time and still is so we can't make much noise.

"It's not our fault you just came and grabbed our legs like that. Of course we'd think you were zombies," I mean couldn't they have atleast said that its them.

"We were trying to get you both out quietly since the bad people were still inside also not to attract more zombies," Jimin says apologetically.

"We tried telling you that it was us but that failed since you were screaming so much," Jungkook says, this kid needs to put aside his soft spot for the girl he saved and just stop with the sass.

"Yeah hyung, I was confused over who was the girl," Taehyung shakes his head in disapproval.

Aw c'mon not Taehyung too.

'J-hope be my hope' I tried to convey with me eyes will desperately looking at him for backup.

"Well-" Hoseok begins.

Your POV:

"Yep, now turn left," Giving Jin directions is fairly easy. He seemed to understand English rather well but he isn't as great at speaking.

I lean back on the withered leather seats. I cant see the rest in the back since theres one of those divider things but I try listening to their conversations, as a distraction.

Soon we arrive at the small town. My group and I used to go on supply runs here all the time when we were newbies since there's usually no zombies in this area.

"I saw that guy lock the door. He really did do it,"

His words have been pestering me ever since I realized we weren't going to die.

Gosh now I have to worry about all of this when I go back to Fort9. I internally scream, my head burying itself in my palms

"Are you okay?" Jin asks, straining his neck as he tries to parallel park in front of the motel. I dont even see the point of this are the zombie cops going to fine us.

"I'm fine," I open the door and hop out of the van before he can continue to question me.

"Wait," he calls. I stop mid-track and he takes this as a sign to continue speaking "What do you call a fake pasta?"

What... is he asking for a translation. My head turns back to meet his eyes "I, I dont know,"

"An impasta," he remains silent, biting on his pink lip, eager for my reaction and resisting his own.

A small smile flutters across my face. He fist pumps the air, consequently breaking out into windshield wiper laughs and claping the air.

I walk towards the back shaking my head, smiling and chuckling lightly. He actually laughs at his own dad jokes.

Opening the doors on the back of the van I see all of them laying on the floor, except Yoongi curled up in a corner, wrestling and squirming around with each other.

They all pause upon seeing me, various limbs all intertwined, after a few moments of just blankly staring at each other the 5 of them get up and begin to unload their stuff as if just now did not happen, returning to their usual selves.

I wonder what that was about.


Everyone decides to stay in the same room. To be honest I'm pleasantly surprised by the shabby motel, the room we're staying in has 3 rooms within it in total; bathroom, bedroom and a mini living room with a small kitchen.

It's not too cramped as well.

Namjoon begins speaking. I don't really know what's happening but when he's done talking Taehyung and Jungkook hug each other.

Jimin pretends to be offended and backhugs Taehyung "not me?" He asks him with big puppy dog eyes and his cheeks slighlty puffed out.

How can a grown man be so friggin adorable?


Turns out they were picking roomates. I dont really understand the hugs, maybe it's their way of selecting their roommates.

The roomates are finally decided, me and the maknae line as Namjoon collectively calls them in the living room. The rest in the bedroom.

The whole time we were here Jungkook and Taehyung were competing, the way young children would compete to see who is the best. Sadly, I ended up being the judge for most of the competitions.

As entertaining as their attempts were, I just wanted to sleep. I also had alot of thinking to do but first I need to temporarily get rid of these two.

"I have muscle,"

"I have elephant,"

Both Jungkook and Taehyung say rolling up their sleeves to reveal said muscle and elephant.

"Who better?" Both of them ask at the same time.

I wasn't really paying attention to the both of them and stared past them as I pretended to think.

My eyes catch Jimin not too far away from us, he's absentmindedly playing with the telephone.

Bringing my attention back to the 2 boys in front of me "Jimin," I reply. Taehyung looks dumbstruck while Jungkook looks like his life is crumbling apart.

On the plus side Jimin heard everything and he's smiling from ear to ear, he moves a little closer to us.

"Why Jimin?" Taehyung asks. Jimin scoots over, seems like he wants to know as well.

"Jimins cute," my bluntness caused Jimin to blush and somehow his smile got wider, so wide his eyes dissappeared.

He hides his face in his hands, eyes peeking through the gaps between his fingers making him all the more cuter like a fluffly marshmallow .... so cute I just want to squish.

Sadly I can't. I should go away before I accidentally lose control and squish his cheeks.

"I'm going to take a nap wake me up when it's time to eat," judging by their facial expressions they understood a little but not all that I said. Eh, it's fine as long as they don't wake me up before the food is ready.

I lay on the old couch, as my body made a dent in the cushions unpleasant squeaking of springs followed.

My feet instinctively move to push my shoes off but then I remember we left our shoes by the door.

All of them took off their shoes and I didn't want to be the only one who had shoes on but Im kind of used to it now back in their hideout we left our shoes by the door all the time.

I turn so that I'm facing the backrest, trying to move as little as possible to avoid the squeaks. I cannot risk another one of them catching me cry, that was waaay too embarrassing.

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