Chapter 24

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"Depends. Does everyone have good eyesight? We're disadvantaged at night,"

Namjoon let the hand that was on my shoulder drop to the mattress. "Not all of our eyesights are the best but its really quiet at night. Look for yourself,"  he gestured to the window. 

Reluctantly I got up and peered out the window. True enough, there were less zombies visible now than there were during the afternoon.

Hopefully none were hiding in the shadows casted by the moonlight, but there were definitely always some.

"No, its unsafe," I fold my arms across my chest and face him "there isnt even a single working streetlight to guide us, flashlights would draw them to us," 

"Hear me out," he scrambles off the bed and strides over to me with Jungkook following suit.

"You see, we can distract them with another light source while we follow that dim moonlit path to the van, its been 2 days, anyone could steal our van,"  his finger traces out the path on the window.

"Unless this light source of yours is 2 houses away, its much to risky.  We are also jeopardizing our team by having a close by light source,"

"But during daylight we cant use any of the house lights to distract them, the light intensity isnt strong enough, what if they come after us"

"But a light source now at night would attract zombies from far away, if we have any mishaps ..or sounds, that little herd gathered by the light would come to us," 

"We just need to be soundless," Namjoon deadpanned.

"We just need to be soundless" he patted my head, although the warmth of his hand was comforting, it didnt ease any of my worries

"But Sean, it still seems kinda sketchy even a single noise would attract them, the lights wont do much then,"  worry bubbled out of me, worry that I'd never express to anyone else.

But it was safe around him, I felt safe.

"If you're really worried, I dont mind switching with you, it may be a little harder for me to squeeze through that barrier though, but I have done it before,"

"Nah, I'm just being paranoid, besides they need you in their team,"

"Thats the spirit. Your mum and uncle have got it all sorted so just relax. We'll met you at the exit soon," he kissed my forehead and ushered me to leave. 

"Its much safer if we do it night, because theres a plan B," Namjoon voice sounded like a distant echo.

Hesitantly I stepped away, ignoring the strong almost gravitational pull towards my family. 

Regret, shame and guilt filled me, I should not have gone. I should not have left. I should have stayed. I could have stayed.

I stumbled forward, Jungkook was already two steps ahead, waiting to catch me.

A faint shrieking bounced around in my head, it grew louder and louder.


Anger surged withing me as the phrase echoed, incorporating itself with the screaming. My hands covered my ears, trying to keep it out.

"So in conclusion, if we just go about it this way, everythings gonna be fine,"

"Damnit Namjoon, whos the leader here. You or me?" My voice was raised, causing a few members to stir.

"Aren't  we co-leading?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Then why aren't you listening to me, I'm saying no, we cant do this, its too risky," I pleaded.

"You arent listening to me, I'm saying yes. It's safer," his small outburst was enough to send my throbbing head into overdrive.

"Fine, it's your people, your call. Im just trying to stop history from repeating," 

"What history," he inquired, much more gently, all anger fully evaporated from his face.

"My history," hot tears welled up in my eyes.

Jungkooks arm draped around me, pulling me to his chest. I let my head lean against him but just as quickly i retracted from his hold. 

It reminded me too much of Sean.

"Im sorry," I quickly apologise to both of them "I dont know what came over me,"

Namjoon nodded knowingly, guess its not the first time they've faced a conflict like this.

"Dawn," Jungkook chimes in, breaking the silence.

Namjoon sucked his teeth, nodding slowly as he contemplated the 1 word that came out of Jungkooks mouth

"We'll move in the morning then, right as the suns about to come up, get some rest you two," 

Namjoon lets out a long yawn and stretches before stumbling over to his little makeshift bed.

"Red again," Jungkook points at my eyes.

"Sleepy." I mumbled.

Doubt fluttered across his face but he didnt push it any further. He hobbles back to his bed, very obviousy having over-exerted his injured foot and lays down.

With my back leaning against the wall slowly I slide down until my lower half comes into contact with the carpet.

Laying my head on my knees, I try desparately to stay awake. I know the dreams will be absolutely terrifying today. Especially after that little episode with Namjoon.

Every now and then I peer out the window ensuring everythings in check.

The van was my biggest concern.

Hours passed by and the room was filled with snoring and ocassional sleep talking.

As I did my routine scan of the landscape, footsteps approached me. At first I expected Jungkook, it was always Jungkook ...perhaps even Namjoon.

"Hello," the raspy voice greeted while owner sat down next to me.


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