Chapter 4

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Your POV:

"MOTHER!" I scream as Sean carries me away like a jacket he just threw over his shoulders.

I kick and scream as I watch my mother, the woman that had always loved and believed in me, get torn to shreds right before my very eyes.


I hit him with my arms and legs and everything I could as he carries me away. I look back at my mother, she's crying. She's crying but she has a smile on her face as she looks at me.


He just continues running, refusing to let me go and help. Her face slips away from sight only the backs of rotting piles of flesh that engulfed her remain.


My final desperate words to her. I hope she heard them, she gave up her own life for ours. I couldnt hold it anymore and I let my tears fall.

For the first time in all the years of my life, excluding baby years, I finally cried.

I woke up, and find a pair of eyes staring down at me. I quickly rub my eyes on the sleeve of my ... actually his shirt. The tears finally stop.

"You okay?" Jungkook asks.

I nod, why is he always there when I wake up. He better not go all edward cullen on me and 'enjoy watching me sleep'

"No you not okay,"

Yeah, because for the first time, I didn't have a fictional nightmare. It was a replay of an actual memory.

I nod my head avoiding his eyes. He must think I'm stupid or something, crying over a 'nightmare'.

Without another word he scoops me up and walks through his open room door, shutting it with his foot. He gently places me on the bed then he kneels down beside it, looking me in the eyes, resting his chin on the edge of the bed.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I whisper shout as to not wake the others.

"Mianhae," he says putting his two hands together.

I just stare back. What's mianhae.

"You have scary dreams, so you here sleep. I outside sleep." He gets up to leave.

Did he just give up his bed for me just because I had a nightmare. He's actually not going to try anything.

I stare, paralysed with shock at his retreating figure.

"W-wait," this guy shouldn't have to sleep on the cold floor because of me.

"Stay here," I say moving closer to the wall to give him space.

"S-su-sure?" He asks back, ruffling his hair.

I nod. He lies down next to me, we're facing each other, both of our faces as far away from each other as the bed would allow.

"Noona, no need to this do," he says, nervously looking away.

Okay I may not be a korean expert but I know what noona is. I'm not that old... do I look old?

"How old are you?" I demand.

"Huh?" He raises his eyebrows

"I'm not your noona, I'm only going to be 18 years old this year," i hope he understands.

"You ate-in? What is ate-in?" He looks confused

"Eight-teen, hana-yeodeol," I hold up 1 finger as I say hana, eight when I say yeodeol.

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