Chapter 18

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All of them rejoice in victory, while I stand by a corner, tapping my foot as I think, 'he' was still missing.

I need stop overthinking things, perhaps he went upstairs or to the living room.

But theres a terrible knot in the pit of my stomach saying that its not as simple as that.

I slip out of the kitchen while the boys are high fiving each other and go check all the rooms in the house. Its not that big, I'd find him soon enough.

I open door after door but all the rooms are empty.

Running my hand through my hair I take a deep breath. It's okay, chill (Y/N), maybe I just didnt see him in the kitchen admist all the chaos.

I enter the kitchen once more, it was empty. Voices came from the ex-man cave, walking over all the dead bodies I eventually made it there too.

The only traces that this room used to be a stereotypical man cave was the broken flatscreen TV, 2 dusty leather recliners, dart board and a pool table. Everything else wasnt visible due to the towers of storage boxes.

The ex-man cave also had only one floor to ceiling window that was around 2 feet wide which all 7 boys were examining. The window completely shattered, not even a single shard of glass remained in the frame.

Soon they crowded around something. Something Namjoon was holding.

I tried getting to them as quietly as possible while listening.

Reading, he was reading something, but of course translated it to their native language.

I stubbed my toe on one of the legs of the pool table and silently screamed while griping my foot.

All of them were so engrossed they didnt notice my presence, not even Jungkook. Phew.

Occasionally they would say the words 'heol' , 'waa' or 'omo' which Jungkook has once told me those words are basically the korean equivalent of 'omg'

I guess I should make my presence known, clearing my throat "Whats that?" I ask while pointing at the paper.

"What thing?" Namjoon asks, scrunching the paper up.

All of them turn to face me with pleasant smiles and huge eyes, even Yoongis eyes potrayed not even a hint of drowsiness, this is the face of people that are hiding something.

"That paper in your hand," I point at it and move closer.

Namjoon very obviously passed the paper to Jin and shows me his empty palms "What paper? I don't see any paper. Jimin do you see a paper?"

Jimin snaps up upon hearing their leader call his name. I thought his eyes were wide before, they somehow got wider.

He didnt understand Namjoons english and is trying to alert Namjoon with his eyes but Namjoon is still panicking and doesnt notice his struggle.

So jimin unsurely nods his head.

"Yes?" He asks instead of states.

Namjoons head whips to Jimin, with alarmed eyes he begins shakes his head minimally in hopes that I wouldn't notice.

Jimins nodding morphs into shaking "I mean no, N.O," he looks at me and flashes and awkward open mouthed smile.

I walk towards Jin ready to take the paper from his hands that were behind his back.

"Yuri!" Taehyung says pointing at the floor. I stop walking and look at him confusedly but the rest all act just as shocked.

"Yuri! Yuri!" Taehyung repeats once more, exaggerating his floor pointing.

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