Chapter 8

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I groan in pain when my body comes into contact with the cold floor tiles.

"Stupid nightmares," I mutter under my breath, blowing strands of hair off my face.

My body rolls again so that I'm laying on my stomach. My right arm, what made contact with the floor first, is throbbing. I grunt as I slowly try getting up while continuing to mutter and swear.

"Stupid Sean , I fucking trusted you, look what I fucking get in return: a shitload of new nightmares, hurt, betrayal, stranded with 7 unreasonably hot men, okay maybe that part isn't as bad, but still,"

I try lifting myself up with my hands but my right one fails me. Instead I use the flimsy looking coffee table and my left hand to help myself get up "and an arm thats hurting like a bitch"

Upon sitting up I bite my lip to stop the flow of curse words as I stare at the boy sitting on the other side of the coffee table, running his fingers through his hair.

I was kinda half-expecting someone to be there but not him. Also I hope he didn't just hear me call him hot.

Forcing all traces of anger to leave my face, "Hello Jimin," I calmly say trying to smooth out my hair and look at least decently presentable.


Well this is awkward. I can't go back to sleep knowing he's there now. I copy how he sits, knees pulled up to chest. "Uh, did you need something?"

He places his elbows on the coffee table in between us, resting his face in his palms. He shakes his head, making his blonde hair bounce.

"Oh uh okay then," things were really getting awkward. My eyes dart around looking for a conversation starter.

Let's see there's a flickering lightbulb, some mold in the corner, a napping Taehyung and no Jungkook.

I clear my throat "so...... how are you?"

He smiles all cutely making my heart 'aaw' all over again. Getting up, he walks over to my side, offering his hand.

It doesn't answer my question at all. I stare at his extended hand then back at his face, confused. Am I supposed to hold it or what?

He uses his eyes to communicate, looking from my face to his hand, telling me to take it.

I hesitantly extend my hand and he takes it, helping me up. "Gwaskdkha chdkzkdyeul," he says or asks, I see his mouth moving, I hear sounds but I just cant piece it together unless they say it slowly for me.

"No?" Its more like I asked instead of replied.

He lightly chuckles, he straightens out my arm and points at a spot near my elbow, which was swelling up a little.

"Pain?" He asks, voice filled with concern. I nod once. His fingers lightly skim across the swollen area, I wince slightly to which he immediately retracts his hand, eventually dropping it lower until his palm is almost holding mine.

"Cold with Jungkook," he says. He doesnt say anything else, gripping my hand lightly he leads me to the exit.

We walk out of the motel room, him leading the way with his hand still around mine. I've noticed although he's shy, he's really touchy with his group.

His way of becoming more comfortable around others is by becoming touchier. This is considerably touchy, does that mean he trusts me a little more?

After he ensures the door is closed properly he goes to the room directly across the hallway and knocks.

He runs his fingers through his hair while we wait. The sound of fumbling footsteps can be heard on the other side.

My gaze remains on our hands trying to decipher what it meant.

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