Chapter 19

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He turns around and punches the zombie in the chest, out of reflex.

Unfortunately for us,  especially Jimin, Yoongis fist went straight through and the zombie is still very much alive.

Well, as alive as a zombie can be.

Yoongi roughly pulled his hand out and shook off the few decaying veins, arteries and muscle tissue that was on his arm. All of that yucky stuff happened to land on Jimin who rushed over to him to help Yoongi.

Hoseok and his chopping board save the day once again, I just hope Jin never uses that for cooking ever again.

The other members are all amazed by watching Hoseok smash the zombies head to something that vaguely resembles strawberry jam.

I tug on Jungkooks shirt to get his attention and point to the floor.

He gives me a face. The 'i dont think I should' face.

Narrowing my eyes at him I point more agressively at the ground.

Sighing he places me down gently.

I take a step back and even do a small hop "See, I'm perfectly fine,"

I think he got the message because he let a small smile flutter across his face as he took a step forward.

Immediately retracting his foot, the look of hapiness was being replaced with one of pain. His eyes were bulging and moving rapidly from the shock.

I held onto him to keep him from falling.

"Namjoon!" I yelled while trying to support Jungkooks huge frame. 

All of them came over, Jimin and Jin slung either one of his arms around their shoulders.Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok were trying to block the broken window with boxes to prevent more zombies from getting in.

Jimin, Jin and Taehyung worked on transporting Jungkook to the couch.

They were yelling at each other in Korean well mostly Jin was, but everyone was pretty much panicking and I didn't know what to do, so I ran to the master bedroom in search of the first aid-kit.

The dresser, second drawer, beneath the Liverpool jersey. 

Let's just hope he keeps it in the same place he did years ago.I open the second drawer and throw out the clothes in search of the Liverpool jersey.


I push it off, only to find 2 boxes, the first aid-kit and another metal biscuit tin from Scotland.

I take out the first aid-kit and check that everything needed is in there but the metal tin... its just confuses the heck outta me, I want to know whats inside.Nevermind I'll come back for it later, right now the priority is Jungkook, I throw the jersey back in and dash downstairs.

But somethings wrong.

The house is deadly silent, and thats not possible with Hoseok and Jin on the premises.

I creep downstairs only to witness absolute horror. The living room was swarmed with zombies but thankfully the boys were nowhere in sight, so they must have gotten to safety. 

....uNlEsS tHeY gOt EaTeN

I back up the stairs slowly, my breath trembling and my eyes never once left the hoard. I didnt have anything with me and I dont think I could take on this number of zombies with bandages and half a bottle of hyrdrogen peroxide. 

Sweat beaded across my forehead, my heart pounded so loudly I could hear it. 

2 equally as sweaty arms grabbed me from behind and pulled me into the nearest room, gently slamming the door shut behind us.

My shock gets replaced with my heart breaking at the sight in front of me.

Jungkook was lying on the guest bed, obviously in pain but trying to not let it show whilst Namjoon examined his foot.

"Thanks Jin," I say when he lets his arms drop.

"No problemo," he says in a comedic accent, attempting to lighten up the mood but fails. Its the thought that counts.

The only sounds were Jungkooks grunts of pain and Namjoons various frustrated noises.

I stand by the foot of the bed, where all the other members were crowded except Jin and Hoseok who were pushing a dresser in front of the door.

Jungkook was drenched in sweat, his left arm now placed across his eyes to block his vision. His right gripped onto the bedsheets so tightly that his knuckles and the white sheets were the same colour.

I squirmed between Jimin and Yoongi and tapped Namjoon on the shoulder, presenting the first-aid kit.

A small glint of hope filled his eyes but faded just as a quickly as it came "Ah thanks (Y/N) but I don't think this would be of much help, I only read a few medical books at the hospital and I'm more known for breaking things rather than fixing,"

"Yea I'm aware other books kept you more preoccupied," I said a little too loudly and he flushed red, oops.

"Maybe I can help," I quickly add to avoid embarrassing him.

"You can?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, well I mean maybe, I was training to be a vet before the outbreak but I never got to complete my course..."

His face lights up once more "Somethings better than nothing," he joyfully says while placing jungkooks foot on the pillow "just tell me if you need any assistance," he moves aside.

I look nervously between Namjoons hopeful face and Jungkooks foot with blood dripping down onto the towel they layed atop the pillow. 

Well animals and humans aren't too far off I suppose.

I inspect the glass, I've done a similar case before, an emergency case, a bunny had a shard of glass in its foot.

Shouldn't be too different.

"Namjoon open the kit, I need to see what we are dealing with here,"

Tweezers, gauze, burn cream, anti septic, bandages ...we should be okay.

Jungkook POV:

His hand somehow became twice as cold as he lifts my foot, everytime he moves it the pain only increases.

"Ah hyung, the pain gets worse when you do that," I whine, still keeping my arm pressed against my closed eyes.

He continues to do so, hyungs hands feel weird, they're much softer now too and Im pretty sure they got smaller ...nah its probably just the pain making me delusional.

"HyuuuUung, its painful,"

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