Chapter 32

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The other 6 eye him oddly but assume nothing off it and pour out the car. I get off him and follow the rest of the gang, leaving him stunned in the car.

The parking lot that Jin pulled into seemed zombie free as of now.

I can only hope the inside is just as empty as outside.

Everyone migrates while huddled closely like a flock of penguins, observing everything around us while armed with quilts and blankets.

Jungkook eventually caught up to the huddle as well, a rolled up puff of nylon very strategically held above his crotch as he glued himself to the huddle, right next to me.

The large sea of abandoned cars is cut-off by a glass wall, the other side better lit, not by much, with never-ending rows of shops lining the walls.

Namjoon holds a hand up and everyone stops. "(Y/n), I'm going to ask them to vote now, raise your hand if you think we should rest the night,"

I held my arm up while he translates.

Yoongis hand flies up, Jimin and Hoseok too.

1, 2, 3, and with me that makes .... 4.
Meaning another 4 don't want too.

"(Y/n), it's an even split isn't it?" I could almost feel the dread in Namjoons tone as he spoke, he kept his face forward being the most upfront and centre one in the huddle and focused on the surroundings.

"Would it be my life it if wasn't?"

I'm starting to get awfully sick of all these oh so convenient inconveniences in my life.

"Split it," Yoongi says.


"Haf rest, haf we move,"

...ah rest for half the night and travel the remaining half.

"(Y/n), Yoongi sug-" Namjoon began

"-gested we rest for half the night and travel in the remaining half. Correct?" I continue his statement.

His head momentarily turned to me, dimples flashing and an almost fatherly smile on his face. "Correct."

"I think its a great plan,"

He translates to the remaining, I can't help but notice Yoongis gummy smile flashing up on his face once more, seeming exceedingly proud with himself. They really do try their hardest to learn English's touching.

"(Y/n), the boys suggest half of us go in and look for food while the remaining half look for our next vehicle. We can rest in the vehicles too before continuing the journey,"


Splitting up never really sounds good.

But the number of the undead could be massive on the other end of the glass doors and the injured...

Ah, we're so much more restricted with them.

"I think only those that can run should enter the mall, incase we get bombarded by the undead. The lot seems empty and theres plenty of spaces to hide in its more convenient for those that can't,"

He nods in agreement. Jungkook and Yoongi seemed to somewhat get what I said, with the older one gravitating to me and the younger one giving me a hesistant look before letting go of me.

I didnt even realise he was holding my hand. All the touchy-touchy became so normal.

"Be safe," Jungkook said to me before unevenly walking towards our busy translator.

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