Chapter 10

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His eyes held no form of guilt rather they seemed bored. Well I suppose out of all of them I've spent the least time with him. Makes sense as to why Namjoon would send him instead.

He takes a step nearer with the knife in his hand. I back up and clutch the clothes to my chest, until I hit the tree behind me, he comes closer with the knife still pointed at me.


I blink back in confusion. He rolls his eyes and grabs one of my hands and gently places the knife on my palm.

So... is he letting me go or was I totally wrong about their intentions once again.

"From sombip," he taps on his head.

I look down at the knife in my hand once more, this was the knife I was using.. until I lost it. I guess he got it back for me.

"Thanks," I look back up at him a small smile that shows only his upper row of teeth awkwardly dance along his lips.

Unfortunately I'm unable to smile back, my eyes widen in horror as I look beyond him.

Hidden by the trees stands a lone figure with a gun pointed at us, still quite far and rather dark I cant make out his.. or her, no judgement, facial features.

But there's a certain familiarity about the slenderman/woman.

Stupid. Stupid. Don't think about that. It can't be besides its not like I want to stick around to find out but I'm frozen.

"Yoongi... run," I try to warn him.

He just raises in eyebrow in question and follows my line of sight. Upon realisation he turns at once, taking somewhat of a protective stance in front of me.

"Well, well, looks like you got yourself a boyfriend little missy," the figure hiding in the shade of the trees says, keeping the gun aimed at us.

...little missy.

I know that nickname.
I know that voice.
And unfortunately...
...I know that person.

I feel the fear building up from the pit of my stomach, it's like a vortex of flames just eating away at me internally.

Yoongi notices my shallower and quicker breaths, my unsteadiness. He takes a step back his arms spread out a little to shield me, he looks ready to pounce at an armed guy.

Mystery man draws closer, a low rumble of laughs spill from him, a laugh that once brought joy now feels like a stab to the heart.

Soon the light peeks through the thick tree leaves and illuminates him.

"Long time no see," he says.

Yoongi looks back at me for some sort of explanation. My mind blanks out, only one explanation comes to mind.

I point at the man who can barely be considered human "bad man,"

Yoongi's eyes harden as he turns back to face him, he takes another step back to shield me even more. His right hand reaches back and pulls me by my arm to him.

"Aw c'mon little missy, that's not how you'd treat a family member," he walks closer "Not the way I raised you at least," his tone sounded more like a warning now.

My fists ball up "What do- What do you want," I stammer.

"Call me uncle,"


He smiles, a warm one that hides the evil within. He looks down at the ground momentarily before holding the gun directly at Yoongis forehead.

Yoongi doesn't even flinch, instead he tenses up as if he were even more ready to attack while being held at gunpoint.

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