Chapter 12

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The door creaked open, I shut my eyes tight, pretending to sleep. He's the last person I wanted to see.

" always were a sleepy head," the murderer says. I hear the sound of one metal tray being placed on the dressing table and another lifted from it. The plates with untouched food and an empty glasses rattle.

The room smells heavenly its lagsagne, my favourite. He must've done this on purpose, I've been surviving on nothing but water the past 3 days or so.

But enough about scents.

It begins to speak again "I'm sorry I can't tell you. She made me promise. Hopefully one day the truth will find you," his voice grew more shaky as he spoke "I'm sorry about this too. I should've told you instead of kidnapping you but I figured you wouldn't believe a murderer," he sniffs "I didn't want to lose you too but I think I already have,"

When I hear the door opens and close once more new tears stream down my face, more out of confusion then anger.

What does he mean...

He didn't come the next morning like he usually does where he would try to force me to eat some greasy nearly burnt bacon.

I lay down and watch the hand of the clock tick ever so slowly. Then the doorknob began to turn.

I closed my eyes, maybe if he thinks I'm still asleep he'll spill out more secrets.

The door finally slams open and footsteps rush over to me. I tried to not jump, he's never entered the room so loud and recklessly.

There's a buzz of noise, unfamilliar words coming from multiple speakers at once.

It dies down, followed by a long eerie silence.

A hand touches my arm. I flinch, my back hitting the wall "don't touch me," I hiss.


What nonsense is the murderer spewing now. Gwaenchan... gwaen..


My eyes shoot open. Six pairs of relieved eyes meet mine.

I get up slowly, using the wall behind me as support. I look and look for the last pair of relieved eyes, the ones that are always sleepy, despite knowing my efforts will be wasted.

Jungkook POV:

She cowered in her corner, like a scared child. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, and her eyebags were so dark it looked like she'd been crying with mascara on. She shrunk in size too, it was clear she lost alot of weight this past week.

Just thinking about what she and yoongi hyung could've suffered here makes my blood boil, it took us one whole week to find just her, Yoongi hyung is still lost.

"Sorry, we take long," Hoseok hyung says.

She gulps and mutters out a small reply, barely even audible. I couldn't understand it.

She kept on looking among the 6 of us, looking for someone. Probably Yoongi hyung.

But not only that, her eyes kept on shifting from us to the door as if she were expecting someone else to appear at the doorway.

"(Y/N)-ah? Okay?" Jimin asks, seems like he's noticed her jumpy behaviour as well. He tries reaching out to pat her for reassurance but she moves further into the corner.

"We have to go. It's not safe here. And yoongi- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I tried to help but. Yoongi he," she couldn't continue, her lower lip was quivering and her eyes were glassy.

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