Arc 1.5

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A/N: Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors. I've been writing this while half asleep and honestly feel as though I've messed up a few times with some names and grammar. Hope you've enjoyed the story thus far. 

Xia Chang Zang looked at the report one of his subordinates handed him and read through it. Xie Kai Li was lounging on the tan leather sectional swiping through his cellphone. A fire was flickering to the left of him and bathing the room in a warm light. Their Loft was lavishly decorated with a black shag rug beneath the sectional and taking up 75% of the marbled floor. 

"You going to read the report out loud? Or continue staring at it? It's been twenty minutes now and I've already died 7 times during this time."

Xia Chang was pulled from his musings by his brother. He didn't respond to the snark but instead begun to discuss with him what he'd found out. 

"Mino did his job exceptionally. It seems that the Stepfather, Guo Kang, and Mother, Guo Chen used to be step siblings but he raped her during one of her visits and his parents divorced thinking it was their fault. Meng'er's Stepfather was married at the time but his wife found out somehow and passed away from an illness. At least that's what was in her medical report," they both looked at one another. 

"It smells fishy. I'd bet a million that the Husband killed the Wife."

Xia Chang nodded subtly before continuing, "Meng'er's Mother was a Vice Head of a very well off company but she was suddenly let go after finding out she was pregnant. Coincidentally, the business she worked for had been bought out by Guo Kang a week prior to her being fired. The company gave the reason of her deliberately writing the financial reports incorrectly. Afterwards, no on would hire her and even her parents refused to help once they found out she was keeping the child of her rapist."

Xia Kai looked up angrily at the last bit, "Truly despicable people. We should be grateful to his Mother."

His brother agreed completely with that sentiment. If she had decided to have an abortion, Meng'er would've never existed. 

"She only had one person to turn to and finally reached out to her 'brother'. He accepted her request as long as she married him. There's no information on why he wanted to marry her but my only guess was that he was in love with her. Guo De Meng turned eighteen February 26th."

"Damn. We've gotta wait eight months until his next birthday. At least he's able to drink since they changed the drinking age to 18."

Xia Chang rolled his eyes at how important Xia Kai thought alcohol was. Speaking of which, his brother had stood up to walk to their mini-bar and pour himself a glass of whiskey. 

"Continuing where I left off. Guo De Meng has an older sister Guo Fei Yan from Guo Kang's first wife. We apparently have a scheduled appointment with her for this Wednesday."

"Oh? How coincidental that we meet the brother and the sister in the same week."

Xia Chang was wondering if it were truly coincidental though. Time could only tell. 


Guo De was currently watching the monitor that was attached to a video feed from the twins loft. 

"So, they were looking up my background. That just means less work for me. No wonder though. So many plot holes in that scroll are now being filled in. Car, begin monitoring my 'father' as well."

[Okay, Host. Is there anything else you need?]

"Not at the moment."

Guo De begun to plan out what he will do to earn money. There was no way he would simply rely on his 'inheritance'. He checked his bank account and found that each month he receives a 5,000 allowance and at the moment he had $125,539.48 inside the bank.

"Rich people," he muttered to himself. 

He was thankful that the original owner of the body had a computer that he could use to access everything he needed. After checking his bank account he searched in the browser for nearby casinos. With a bit of his hacking, he was able to get inside and find out which Underground Groups owned each Casino. 

He was staying clear of anything Scarlet Blooms Group owned; the twins were highly intelligent and would be able to tell if he was calculating the cards. If he was found out at the other Casinos it wouldn't be as bad since his face wasn't well known. In case he stumbles upon this type of issue though, he planned on wearing a mask that covered half his face. Some customers would use one to hide their identity when gambling which wasn't strange for the Casino workers. 

He found three Casinos within the City of Kluishire. Two were owned by Yan Group and the other by Lei Group. Two closest Casinos, The Viridian Orchid and The Twin Garden Casino, were both overseen by the Yan Group; the last Casino, Sapphire, was run by the Lei Group. Yan Group was the second most powerful group that ran in the Underworld but the Scarlet Blood Group was ranked 1st. These two groups had a large hostility with one another; 'See one, Kill one' was their motto if they ran into one another on the street. 

Guo De Meng wasn't to worried though since he hasn't been seen with the twins except for at the small restaurant. 

[Host! I've been monitoring your sister and it seems she went in the opposite direction from home. She's driving closer to the Red District in J Section.]

J Section was the 'zone' that Yan Group ran. The entire City was split into Sections 'governed' by the different Groups with their hands dipped in shady business. 

"Oh? She's a lot more scheming than I'd originally given her credit for. It seems that she hadn't been just scheming the twins. . . Make sure you continue to monitor her. Notify me when she turns her vehicle off."

The sound of his fingers flying across the keyboard echoed within the room. He began to look up the many items he wanted to purchase and put them in his Cart. Guo De needed to get money first and then he can purchase the things he was stocking up on. 

Once he completed his objective, he switched to a different site that had Listings of all the Business buildings for sale. He was searching for a specific type of building though; not one of these skyscraper types of businesses. After an hour he found what he was hoping to purchase. It and the land surrounding it would cost a grand total of 538,850. He didn't have enough money at the moment. 

He called the Realtor and let her know he was interested in purchasing it, however, he needed until the end of the week. Guo De was concerned someone would buy it before he had the chance to collect the money. Surprisingly the Realtor was very polite and agreed that she would hold it until Sunday but if he didn't get in touch with her, she would put it back on Market. 

Guo De leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was a habit that seemed to have followed him into this life from his original. 

A/N: How was it? Sorry no sexy time yet. D:

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