Arc 1.6

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A/N: I'm currently working on two other books and probably shouldn't be releasing so many chapters for this book; nor should I be solely focusing on it. However, I'm a huge Fujoshi and can't help it. I will say, my releases for this may slow down tremendously because of having my other works to complete.

[Host, Guo Fei Yan has entered a Restaurant notoriously known for being Yan Groups primary hangout. She is now being escorted into a Private Room on the second floor.]

"Oh? What's the Restaurant called?"

[King's Gem.]

Guo De quickly hacked into the King's Gem video surveillance, easily bypassing the firewall. There were six cameras for the first floor and four cameras inside of each private room on the second floor. He sifted through the screens until he found his sister. 

The room that she was in was lit with low light which made the red furnishings nearly look black. Splashes of gold were placed appropriately, making the room riding the edge of extravagant and gaudy. Guo De raised an eyebrow at the clothing choice of his sister. She could've easily walked down the street of the Red District and been mistaken for an expensive prostitute. 

Guo Fei had an excessive amount of makeup caked onto her face and the dress dipped all the way to below her navel; giving large glimpses of the jiggling breasts hidden beneath the material. It cut off just below her crotch and the back was just as bad as the front, dipping all the way to where her buttcrack began. The dress was designed as a halter but to Guo De it looked more like a swimsuit. . . a slutty swimsuit that was made into a dress. 

He clicked the icon for sound and enlarged the image to take up the entire screen. 

Guo Fei stepped into the room and slid close to the man sitting on the left bench seat. 

"Did you miss me," she asked seductively as her hand slid across the man's chest. From the information Guo De has gathered, this man was the Young Master of Yan Group, Yan Quan Qui. 

He looked like the typical 'Shady Business Young Master' in Guo De's eyes. His hair was dyed blonde and slicked back, eyes nearly completely black flashed with slyness, and he wore a silver chain around his neck as he sat with a pose as though everything should rightfully belong to him; even the affection Guo Fei gave him was rightfully deserved in his eyes. 

"I missed something," he suggestively answered as his hand crawled up her thigh and vanished beneath her skirt. 

Guo De frowned and begun to drift in thought as sounds of moans filled the room. A maid that had walked by his room jumped in fright when a woman's passionate scream came from her Young Master's room, causing her to quickly scurry off with red stained cheeks. The Young Master in question was completely unaffected and waited until they finished to see if they'd give him anything. 

Twenty minutes later, Guo De chuckled at the man's lack of stamina, he returned his attention to the screen. Guo Fei didn't even look as though she broke a sweat and her clothes were replaced but Young Master Yan was thoroughly disheveled, out of breath, covered in sweat and still hadn't pulled up his pants. Guo De raised an eyebrow at the difference and couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Do you have the Crimson Slush?"

Guo De looked confusedly at the screen. Crimson Slush? What the hell is that?

"Here." Yan Qui pulled out a small vial with a crimson liquid inside of it and held it between his pointer and middle finger. 

Guo Fei's eyes lit up as she snatched it from his hands and stood up. 

"You leaving already?"

Guo Fei glanced back at him and gave a seductive smile but her eyes showed annoyance. "My father is expecting me home for dinner. I'm already continuously compared to my brother. I don't want to deal with his accusations as well," she sneered when she mentioned her 'brother'.

Guo De chuckled in amusement at the bullshit lies that she seemed to be pulling from her ass. He watched a bit more but nothing else was said and she left. 

"Car, make sure you also keep surveillance of that Restaurant. It's not high priority though so unless my name is brought up, don't worry to much."

[Okay, Host.]


Tuesday night Guo De decided to implement his plan of going to the Casinos and making money. His first two stops at the Yan Group Casinos earned him a total of 1.5 mil and the third one earned him another 1 mil. He'd cashed his money in at the counter and had it transferred to an unmarked bank account he'd opened through multiple false accounts. If Yan and Lei Group decided to track down where their money went and try to forcefully collect, they'd have a hard time finding his identity. 

With money at his disposal, he gave the Realtor a call and drove to the location of the building to meet with her. After writing a check for the correct amount she handed him the set of keys and paperwork that cited him as the new owner of the building and 3 acres of land. 

Guo De was a bit out of the City where there was more open land, currently. He went inside and begun to write down anything that he thought would need to be fixed. At the moment, there wasn't any plans to hire any workers. Once he created a product to sell and it became 'hot', then he'd worry about hiring people. 

He contacted the sender of his packages and had them change the address for this building instead. Thankfully none of the items had been shipped yet. Guo De also gave the man an extra 50 dollars to have it shipped overnight.

That settled he returned home. 


Wednesday finally arrived and  Guo De woke at 9 a.m. in order to begin on the things he had scheduled today. Car was currently watching Guo Fei wash her face for the past half an hour. She was honestly shocked with how long it took humans to do such a simple task. 

[Host, can I ask a question?]

"What is it?"

Guo De walked out of the bathroom and headed towards his closet and zeroed in on the violet section. He was very OCD with color coordinating each day of the week, starting with blue for Mondays. If you go by R.O.Y.G.B.I.V., you'd begin with B and go to the left. Yellow was worn on Saturday because it was a day of 'happiness' and Monday was blue because it was usually a day overcast with depression. At least that was his own experience. 

[How come humans waste so much time applying makeup? Does... does Host think that Car should also wear makeup?]

A vein felt like it popped in Guo De's forehead. Who would've thought that a System was worried about its looks so much. 

"No. Definitely not. You're beautiful with your red luster sheen; no need for frivalties."

Car begun to bounce around happily and creating a buzzing noise. Guo De ignored her and quickly pulled on a violet V-neck short sleeved shirt along with a pair of semi-skinny jeans an intense violet that was so dark it resembled black. There was an entire rainbow of leather jackets that he was excited about, hidden in the back of the closet. He was fortunate that there was a leather jacket the same color as his jeans that he slid on. His belt was a bright violet color that matched the pair of high top shoes he slipped on. 

Today he'd opted for wearing half his hair in a man bun instead of styling it with hair wax. Once he was completely dressed for the day he slipped out the front door before his sister exited the bathroom. He wanted to make it to his newly purchased business building before the delivery man got there. Even if the location was pretty much alienated from the surrounding buildings, it would be a pain in the ass if someone decided to grab his stuff before he got there. 

System: Transcending Happiness (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt