Arc 2.14

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It had been 2 months since Zhong Yi had arrived at the Northern border and he was now staring at the data that only he could see, while within the Army's camp. He was currently sitting on the made up 'bed' that he shared with both his men as he stared at the image of the dead Emperor. Someone from the Palace had blocked the Emperor's efforts in finding Zhong Yi's whereabouts and retrieving him. Since the Emperor hadn't been able to leave the Palace to ride to the Northern front, he spent more time with his favored Concubine.

That's right. The day had finally arrived when Concubine Mei Ren assassinated the Emperor and would begin her plans of pushing her son to the throne. A son with the blood of someone from the royal family of the Long Empire. Concubine Mei Ren was actually Long Dai Mai but had used Mo Dai Mai to enter the Emperor's harem. 

In the original plot of this world, newly arisen Emperor Zhong Si Chao will sacrifice many normal citizens around the border and 'push back' the Long Empire; establishing a good image to the citizens closer to the Capital. 

Zhong Yi called out to Car, "I need you to go collect evidence of Concubine Mei Ren being the one responsible for the Emperor's death. If you can't find any kind of correspondence, forge one."

[Okay, Host. Leave it to me.]

Car immediately vanished from his sight and he turned to walk out of the tent to go find his Lovers. Zhong San was currently eating some food while sitting around a fire and speaking with some of the men who had joined him. Zhong Er was a distance away, speaking with his first, Zhuan Yazhu. Zhuan Yazhu was ranked as the first in command among the men that the twins had control over. 

Zhong San and Zhong Er had left their second, Lei Liuxian, to go protect his mother in secret. When Zhong Yi had shown up to the battlefield they'd first been surprised and elated but then they grew nervous. They'd wanted to send him back to ensure his safety but Zhong Yi was stubborn. They reluctantly acquiesced to his presence and made him share their tent together.

Zhong Yi moved towards his second Lover and sat next to him. All of the men under their command had already gotten used to Zhong Yi's relationship with these two Princes. General Yao Li Zexian had been shocked and after seeing Zhong Yi's weak appearance, a bi regretful that he would have to protect this unruly first prince. However, after watching him fight in the many clashes, he accepted Zhong Yi as one of the men. 

"I've got news from the palace," Zhong Yi said to Zhong San as he moved closer to his ear. He didn't want the others to overhear since there had obviously not been a messenger that brought this news. Zhong San knew how strange his first brother was with being able to get strange information that no one else could get but didn't dig further into it. 

"Hmm?" He had a mouth full of food and hummed in question. 

"The Emperor is dead," Zhong Yi breathed out, creating the words to sound as though he was merely taking a breath instead of speaking. 

Zhong San choked a bit on his food and stared wide eyed at his brother before swallowing harshly. 

"You speak the truth?"

Zhong Yi just nodded slightly and Zhong San quickly stood before striding towards his brother after setting his food down. Zhong Yi picked the food up and began eating before standing and walking towards his lovers. 

Zhong San whispered heatedly with the two men that had already been huddled together. Their First seemed confused and didn't at first believe the news that Zhong Yi had given them.

"How is this possible? If there was news of the Palace, I would've been given it first."

Zhong San looked at their first before saying, "Zhong Yi just knows these types of things. You've seen him give us information regarding where the other's army was going to attack before it happened. He shouldn't be wrong this time as well."

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