Arc 7.2

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A/N: Sorry my updates have been so erratic. I can't even find the energy to update my other books at this point. There's been a sudden death in the family and on top of all the other crap going on in my life it's been rather difficult to find the will to write to be honest. I'm hoping that none of this Arc or the ending seems rushed. My apologies in advance. 

Jia Yi ushered their group through the Source Forest around them. He'd been inside only once before and that was mostly to get analytical data on how the Energy interacts with technology and the body. Even if he hadn't been within before he was capable of tapping into the world and visualizing the path they needed to take in order to leave the confines. 

"This is so beautiful," Midori spoke up from his left. He turned to see what she was talking about and realized she was looking at all the plant life in their surroundings. 

Much different from their past lives this world was saturated in Source Energy and caused the plants to glow with it. Since it was still a little light out the plants weren't as noticeably bright until you paid close attention but they were unique. Some flowers were almost as large as they were, except for Motoki. Motoki seemed to tower over the other three people within the group which made Jia Yi wonder if his mates were as tall. 

He could feel the bond to his two mates unfurl within himself and knew they weren't on O.H.-A 001 but on one of the other two planets within this Solar System. 

During their travels they encountered a few beasts that Motoki easily took care of. He felt as though it was his duty to protect his mother and sisters in his Fathers' place. Luckily there weren't any Vrahqs that could make it this far into their planet. The Source Forest was heavily guarded usually in case of the Hostile Life Forms rushing towards the Source Tree. It was their way of life now and in order to keep on sustaining their lives they needed the Source Energy; the Source Tree was similar to a second heart to the humans. 

"Where are we going," Carmen asked as she pushed some plants out of Midori's way. 

"We need to get to the closest City and gain access to my accounts and access codes for transport. I don't know if they've collected my belongings yet or have left them alone. However, our clothes will stick out and we need to find replacements as soon as possible. There's an Interactive Mall next to the closest access panel."

They listened to Jia Yi as he explained about his plans. He needed to have access to his previous research because he knew something big was going to happen, just a gut feeling. Jia Yi could feel the planets vibrating at some perceived threat that no one else seemed to sense. Although he'd love to take care of Sal Hinon and Jarron Marsh, first he'd like to make sure that all of his loved ones were safe. Considering the fact that his mates weren't even on the same planet as him was beginning to set him on high alert. 

It took them all night and part of the morning to reach the outskirts of the Source Forest. Luckily they bypassed the patrols without much hassle due to Jia Yi being able to sense the living beings in the surroundings. They quietly entered X-City and quickly made their way through the streets. Most people used flying crafts to travel so there weren't many walking on foot but the ones that were, stared at their group strangely. 

Jia Yi understood why they were getting those looks. They were currently wearing ancient clothing to these people and not to mention his, Midori's and Motoki's hair was rather strange. His own hair was completely white and fell to his waist where as Midori's was black with streaks of white in it. Motoki on the other hand had a split straight down the middle of black and white. White hair fell over his shoulders and seemed to make the silver in his eye glow with inner light whereas the black made the gold shine more brightly.

Many of the omegas and betas stared at Motoki with lust because of how tall and strong he was. Motoki seemed to exude power with every step he took and nearly sent a few alphas to their knees. However, their group ignored everyone in the surroundings except for Carmen who seemed to cling to Midori and wanted to snarl at everyone who looked their way. Alphas couldn't help but stare lustfully at the lone omega in the lead who exuded his own power which seemed almost as volatile as Motoki's.

"Stay close to me. We're almost there," Jia Yi ordered as they rounded a corner and arrived at a building that was bustling with activity. 

This building had a lot of terminals for the citizens to access the things they needed. Jia Yi brushed past the many people and led their group into a side door that held plenty of rooms to access his accounts. This place was also a place where they could directly shop for items using the computer and the items would be instantly transported to them inside. 

He quickly shut the airlock on the door so that no one would disturb them. There was a table with chairs within and the other three took their seats as Jia Yi sat down at the main chair before locking his hands onto the metal balls set down on the table. This scanned his DNA, fingerprints, and Source Energy to access his accounts. It pulled up a large screen across from them and a large red print of 'Denied Access' popped up.

"Oh, so it's going to be like that?"

Immediately a light screen of a keyboard appeared in front of Jia Yi and he began typing codes into the computer in order to bypass the shut down on all his accounts. It took him a few minutes but he finally gained access and began to transfer his money and items into a separate account. Once he concluded that business he quickly and efficiently bought clothes for all four of them.

Two black alpha suits of normal caliber appeared and were set down in front of Motoki and Carmen before he grabbed the two white uniforms for him and Midori.

"These are just basic clothing here. We can always add other things later on but I figured we should quickly change out of the clothes and leave this area since I gained access to my accounts here. Someone will be sent out soon to apprehend whoever they think was the perpetrator."

They all quickly donned the clothing and left the terminal. Not a few minutes later a group of black dressed Order Unit Alphas came rushing towards that side entrance to search the area.

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