Arc 6.4

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Jia Yi walked back towards Maverick who was trying to reassure the boy who was rambling nonsensically in a language that his mate didn't understand. 

"-a scary zombie thing grabbed her and-," the boy was saying as Jia Yi walked up. Maverick looked lost but nodded his head as though he was listening attentively.

Maverick looked up to see the sickly pallor of Jia Yi and couldn't help the relief that flowed through him. He knew they would be reunited but it would've been the first time they had lost their mate before passing. 

"You're okay," he said. It wasn't a question.

"Yes, fortunately. However, the child is gone. . . dead," Jia Yi answered in a language the young child wouldn't be able to understand. 

Maverick heaved a breath and picked the little boy up before walking towards his mate. Jia Yi took the comfort afforded him even though he felt he didn't deserve it at the moment. 

His mate pushed back his sweat laced hair so that he could grip his chin with his hand and pull him forward to give him a reassuring kiss. It startled the child but both men brushed that aside for the comfort. 

"We should start fixing that skiv before the darkness takes hold of this planet. As long as we place the child within the skiv after keeping the belly lit, there shouldn't be a problem."

"We need water," Maverick said as they turned back to the skiv. 

"I can feel some nearby. It's untapped."

"Do you think you can get that started while I begin on the skiv?"

"Yes. Just make sure you keep the belly in the light. These things seem to be capable of sensing us and whether we are in the dark," Jia Yi commented before turning away from his mate. 

He began to head towards the source of the water that was like a beacon in this barren land. The people who had settled seemed to have something that could collect moisture in the air. It had been working the entire time and as Jia Yi looked closer he realized there were just a few things needing to be fixed to get to that water. 

After ten minutes he had the damn thing working and located some things to hold the water in. He made sure to fill up the large water pouches and canisters with the water and began trekking back towards his mates and the child. It was probably cutting it close on how dehydrated the poor boy was. 

Jia Yi refused to allow this one pass like the last. He would protect him even at the risk of himself. If he died it wouldn't matter much to his end goal but it meant something to him. He caught sight of his mate first and saw the muscles bunch in his back as he lifted scraps of metal before using a welding torch that he had brought from the other ship. 

He admired his mate for a bit before shaking himself from his thoughts and heading inside the small cabin to see the boy curled into himself.

"Are you okay," Jia Yi asked in the boys language. 

He looked up in surprise. "You can speak my language?"

"Yes. How are you doing? Thirsty," he asked as he lifted the things in his arms to show he had something to drink.

The boy moved from his huddled position and approached Jia Yi cautiously. 

"I'm thirsty."

Jia Yi noticed that the child didn't confirm or deny whether he was alright but he allowed it to pass in order to give him water. He left him with the canister before walking back outside to his mate. 

"You're working up quite a sweat. Do you want water?"

His mate looked over with relief and hunger as he moved towards Jia Yi. 

"I want a lot of things but yes water sounds nice," he whispered in a husky voice. 


Jia Yi knew it. Deep inside. They weren't going to make it. The sky was gradually growing darker and there was only so much he could do. It had come upon them too quickly. Every eclipse that he had seen had been in a different Solar System. Jia Yi thought it would be a gradual thing that they could see. These planets rotated too fast! 

"Get inside the ship and try to take us off this planet," Jia Yi murmored as his eyes watched two of the suns go black and begin aligning with the third that had began it's cycle again. 

Maverick looked up from his current position of fixing a wing and added one last touch to it. There were a few more breaks in the wings but they were out of time. 

"Get inside!"

Jia Yi quickly ran into the skiv with Maverick hot on his heels. He watched detached as the outside began to darken and corpse like arms clawed their way free of the ground. This wasn't going to end well. He may have many adjustments done from the shop but that didn't mean he would survive a hoard of Vampire like savages. 

He rushed towards Maverick who was sitting in the Captain's seat and leaned down to smash their lips together. Jia Yi would be fighting soon enough and there would be nothing they could do. 

"I love you."

"I love you always, Bunny Lover."

Jia Yi's lips quirked at the use of both their nicknames blended together. He pulled reluctantly back and centered himself. His body had modifications for more demonic features during 'battle'. Nails a pure black, lengthened into claws with poisonous tips as he tore into the arm that cut into the underside like it was mud. 

There was no way off this planet now. 

Jia Yi fought with everything he had but it wasn't enough. The boy was to die first but when he looked to his Mate and saw him struggling.. he knew that their time was up. The creatures tore into his mate like fresh meat. He watched helplessly as they surrounded him like zombies and pealed away at his flesh and bones between his screams. 

Jia Yi felt a hand rip through his rib cage and yank his heart out. How fitting that his heart had been ripped out the moment he felt as though it were exploding. 

Everything went black. 

"Automatic penalty for not finishing your mission! Privileges are revoked for next world. You can retain your store bought 'items' however, your mate won't be in your next life. You'll need to solve the next world's problem without help. Good Luck," a random voice spouted as Jia Yi lay within that dark embrace. 


When he opened his eyes.. he wished he had kept them closed. 

(This is so different than I usually write for Arcs that I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint.)

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