Arc 1.8

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A/N: Did you guys know that I've written all the previous chapters within a 24 Hr period. I call that a great success on writing. Lol. Especially when I usually can get through a chapter a week at most on a normal day. o.o Here's another! It must be because it's a BL story. x,x 

Xie Chang and Xie Kai were frustrated with how busy their schedule has been lately. For the past week they've not been able to see Guo De. Plus, Guo De had recently hired people to help with making a few trial products to have the top female and male actress of their Country to test out and give a review. 

If the customer is satisfied they said that they'd give it praise on their social media sites as well as film a commercial. Guo De had asked them for help with setting this up and they'd immediately provided it. Currently, their lover was meeting with the two famous people to have them test his product. Xie Chang and Kai were both extremely worried but for completely different reasons. Chang still hadn't seen the product and was worried that his baby would be given a poor review. Kai had confidence in the products since they were simply 'out of this world' but he was worried that the Actor or Actress might try to snatch up his little bunny. 

"Maybe we should go there," muttered Xie Kai as he flipped the medical chart in his hand angrily. He had wanted to call off work today but he'd already jumped ship early last week, leaving Chang to fend for himself. 

"We've got work to do. I think I've almost figured out what is wrong with Baby's sister. It's a strange reaction that her blood is having and at first it made the problem seem to be a disease. Her white blood cells are off the charts and attempting to fight off whatever is wrong. However, after numerous tests to identify obscure diseases, I've knocked off any chance of it being a disease. My last option to try for is: Poison."

"Poison? Hmm? But I've never seen this type of poison."

Xie Chang flipped through some papers that he had written on and pulled one out and handed it to his brother. Xie Kai read through it and began frowning even more.

"I've seen this type of blood before. Slightly different but the base of it is exactly the same. This poison must be an advanced version of Yan groups unique poison. After we found a cure to their last poison after they attempted to kill Father, it looks like they made a new one."

Xie chang tapped his pen against the desk in thought before asking, "Why would they poison Bunny's sister though?"

Xie Kai shrugged his shoulders and asked, "Do you think they know that we've become interested in him?"

"No," he shook his head, "His sister scheduled the appointment before we met Meng'er. It has to be something else."

"Well, whatever. Now we need to find an antidote. No matter how much I feel this chick doesn't deserve it, she's still a patient."

Xie Chang hummed in answer and began writing down the antidote for the previous poison to try and gauge the antidote for the new one.

Xie Chang hummed in answer and began writing down the antidote for the previous poison to try and gauge the antidote for the new one

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