Arc 7.3

9.9K 501 31

With their quick escape gone unnoticed, Jia Yi brought the others to a Shipping Terminal. Within were all sorts of air crafts and if one were to compare it to some of the previous worlds they've been to, it could be compared to a Parking Garage. Some of the larger ships were shrunken down to fit within the spaces allotted them.

"Mother, how are we going to gain access to one of these without setting off alarms again," Motoki asked with concern.

"Simple. I'll just borrow someone else's access codes. By the time they realize it, we'll be long gone and have bought our own ship."

Jia Yi made his way to the panel and immediately entered an access code belonging to Jarron Mars. This cheap ex-fiance could shoulder at least this much. One of the faster and more elite models of air crafts pulled up to them after he was finished.

"Get in. It'll take about a day for us to reach the City next to my old Loft. We'll buy our own ship there," Jia Yi explained.

Midori was carried on board bridal style by Carmen after Motoki entered to make sure it was safe. Jia Yi followed closely behind and walked towards the control center to take over the ship. He entered his Source Energy and set course before allowing the computer to turn on Auto-Drive.

"Everyone should use this time to better accumulate to your new bodies and the Source Energy running through it. It's been a while since I've had Source Energy running through me, especially this much."

"Mother, what's the difference between an Alpha, Beta and Omega in this world," Midori asked from Carmen's lap.

Motoki turned away from looking at the outside scenery in order to pay attention to his Mother's words.

"Aside from the obvious, that their names signify, an Omega carries more Source Energy within their body but are usually weak physically/. AS Beta usually is about middle ground when it comes to both physical and Energy levels. However, Alphas usually demonstrate honed bodies and depending on the Alpha, an increase in Source Energy. Alphas can marry whoever they want, even another Alpha is fair. The only thing that stops them from doing so is that the offspring are never Alphas unless an Alpha reproduces with an Omega. Which is why Omegas are often looked at as nothing more than breeders. You won't find any Omegas within the army," Jia Yi answered as he relaxed into a chair.

"What the hell? That's sexist... or speciest.. I don't know. What if I wanted to join the army," Midori complained.

"Do something about it," Motoki spoke up. 

"What do you mean," Midori asked as she looked towards her brother.

"Exactly that. If you don't like how they run things within this world, change it. You've got us backing you and I'm sure our Fathers would stand behind you as well when we find them. They're most likely someone important for their souls to be shuttled by Yses. With Mother as well, it shouldn't be difficult for you to carve out your own place within this world."

Midori understood what her brother meant because they were literally born from the Source Energy of this world which meant they were a rare existence. It wouldn't be difficult for them to break out of stereotypes.

"Wherever you go, I'll follow," Carmen said with conviction.

After that everyone got comfortable and waited until they reached Jia Yi's Loft.


General Yang Gui Du and Vice Leader Han Wu Duwere finally released from their quarantine. All the tests done on them had nearly caused them to create a blood bath. They'd wanted to go to their mate immediately but had been stopped by the staff of the O.H.-R.

"It feels good to be free," Han Wu exclaimed as they stepped out of the Airlock door and into the bustling City.

Everything had been unlocked and reinstated to them once they'd proven that they were healthy. All their holdings and access codes had been unlocked for them to regain hold of.

"We need to find our mate," Yang Gui said.

"He's most likely on another planet. Didn't he tell us that he lived on O.H.-A 001 that one time?"

"Yes. It should be our starting point. He also said his name was Jia Yi Rougang originally. Knowing his personality, he has probably gone back to his house in order to retrieve his life's work," Yang Gui answered.

"Then let's go to O.H.-A and search for our other half," Han Wu said decidedly.

They made their way to a Shipping Center and used their access codes to enter a ship that could bring them to a Portal Hole. These portals allowed the people of the three worlds to instantly transfer over without any problem. However, it was usually really expensive to gain access to these portals.

Yang Gui's golden eyes flashed with hidden light as he and his brother arrived at the portal that would take them to O.H-A 001.

"Passport," a man in his early twenties spouted as reflex as he stood guard of the portal.

Both men passed over their identification cards and watched as the young man snapped to attention.

"General, Vice Leader, you've woken up! This is celebratory news!"

"We'd prefer if you kept your silence on this matter," Han Wu said with a forced smile.

"Of course! I wouldn't dream of letting others know about your recovery and hindering your movements. Rest assured that this will stick between us," he said as he patted his chest in a self-assured manner.

Yang Gui swept his eyes over the young man before stepping into the portal with Han Wu close behind.


Sal Hinon laid against Jarron Marsh's bare chest in afterglow. They'd been at it for the whole night and part of the day. He'd never been more happy in his life but for some reason his heart felt unsettled.

"What's wrong," came a raspy voice from above his head.

Sal looked up as he rested his chin on that chiseled chest. "Nothing. Just thinking," he said with a slight smile.

"If you can think, I've not done my job properly."

With that, they began to tousle around within the blood red sheets.

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