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A/N: I just want everyone to know something that I've had to write in plenty of comments. I'm sure you may even be one that I've responded to with it. However, I feel like I'm constantly having to say it so I'll just write a note about it for the rest of the Readers. 

I write this while I've gotten zero sleep and sometimes during writing the Chapter, I end up falling asleep every few words. This makes it so that there are an excessive amount of mistakes, misspellings, and grammatical errors. I don't take notes on any of this book and write completely freestyle off the top of my head; no editing is involved before I publish it. This is meant to be a rough draft and after it's complete, I'll rewrite and add things in. I don't mind when you point out the mistakes but I probably won't respond to them since I'm well aware of the story having more mistakes than I can count. This A.N. is merely to let you know that I'm not ignoring your help but it's just kind of pointless for me to try and fix all of the things you've pointed out at the moment. I will definitely fix it later on when I've completed all the Arcs.

Chin Tae-Woong ended up doing exactly as he said. The press had a field day stalking the previously famous tattoo model and all of her dirty secrets came to light. Her Agent and her were both thrown into jail for falsifying evidence to present at the hearing. Most of the tabloids had written stories about her sex scandals and some even were able to find actual photos of her transgressions. 

Jae-Hwa bought the house that he knew would be loved by his sister. He had planned on getting one that was more humble and could fit his sister and him comfortably but he ended up buying one that could fit a large family. There was enough room to give him and his twins as well as Sang-Hee and Min-Yung privacy if they wanted it; however, they were able to spend time during meals.

Tae-Woong came to visit them after he wrapped up the case and would always flirt with Jae-Hwa and get him to do his tattoos. Jae-Hwa met the twins parents and found out that they were actually both politicians which had made him a nervous wreck. They were surprisingly extremely nice though so he was able to relax. 

Min-Yung and Sang-Hee had two children by artificial insemination and she even became a surrogate for Jae-Hwa. Jae-Hwa and the twins were able to have two children because of Min-Yung, even if they weren't Jae-Hwa's own genetics. By using Min-Yung as the surrogate, the child took on all three of the men's looks. 

All nine people lived together within that one house even as the years passed and the children reached an age to move out. Min-Yung's oldest daughter was the first to move out when she got married to a young man working as a firefighter. The third eldest, Jae-Hwa's son, moved out to head off to a University in another prefecture. It had been a sad moment to see his child leave his 'nest' and the twins had to comfort him. Min-Yung had laughed at her little brother's mother-henning nature and he'd retorted with 'Where do you think I got it from'.

The second eldest, Min-Yung's son, ended up opening his own business that had flourished exponentially and moved into his own suite because he said that he didn't want to live with his parents and uncles forever. There was merely the youngest, Jae-Hwa's daughter, who was the most cherished of the children due to her extremely kind nature. She never moved out and refused to marry anyone unless they were okay with moving into her family's house with her. 

Sang-Hee was the first to leave this planet at the age of 87. She'd brought Min-Yung a family and love, which was all that Jae-Hwa could've asked for his sister. He watched as his sister deteriorated a week later from heartbreak. It almost seemed as though their family had lost their heart once Sang-Hee had passed. Soon after Min-Yung passed, the twins began showing signs of departure. 

[Host, their time is running out. It had been at a year just last month but it suddenly dropped.]

'I understand. They were extremely close with Sang-Hee and now we've lost my sister in such a short time.'

Car stayed silent as she watched the soulmates spend as much time as they could until the very end. Their daughter was already a mother herself and stayed at home to take care of them and her children. Min-Yung and Sang-Hee's children had also returned as soon as their parents passed. It was seen in all the children's faces. They knew that their uncles and fathers were going to leave them just like Sang-Hee and Min-Yung had. 

Their youngest tried not to cry because she didn't want to alarm her children nor did she want to make her parents feel awful for not holding on any longer. The oldest of the three mens kids arrived with his wife and three children and everyone ate dinner together with laughter and love. 

That night, Jae-Hwa laid down next to his mates and reflected back on this entire life. Although he was sad, he was glad that in this life he had such love. He was happy that he knew what it felt like to have such an amazing sister who would give up her entire life just to keep him happy and healthy. He was happy for the sister who gave up 18 months of her life to nurture his babies inside of her. He was happy that he was able to spend yet another lifetime with his Husbands. 

It was funny to him that regardless of how many times his life restarts in new worlds, he is capable of falling in love all over again. Capable of being truly happy with a family that isn't truly his. This life had healed a part of his soul that he hadn't even realized had blackened in his original world. 

He laid there holding his Husbands hands after they bade goodnight to their children; even making sure to give all their grandbabies love to keep them loved and happy even after they passed on. 

"No matter which life we arrive in, I will love you no matter what," Jae-Hwa said with conviction as he held those wrinkled hands. Both men were just too tired to say anything but he knew that they loved him and they would always love him no matter how many times they reincarnated. 

It was almost as if they had slipped into sleep and not truly passed but Jae-Hwa knew that they were gone. He sighed deeply and allowed Car to bring him back to the white space. 

[I already know, Host. I will wait until 9 before waking you up!]

'Thank you. I'm glad you're here with me Car.'

His eyes shut and allowed him to rest his heavy heart. I just want to bring my Husbands with me and have them actually remember me. Why don't they ever recall these memories we've shared?

Jia Yi relaxed his body and fell into a deep slumber. 

This was the House that he bought

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This was the House that he bought. A rather excessive house but he wanted one that could fit a large family for later in life and also give each couple the privacy they needed to live happily yet still be able to come together as a family. 

We'll be starting the Fourth Arc next. :) 

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