Arc 5.7

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"Welcome to the Marine Wildlife Preservation Center. What can I do for you today," Generosb asked cordially in the native tongue.

Thankfully during one of his world hopping travels he had to buy the language translator skill from the Shop and could understand as well as speak the language from this island.

"I'm actually here to apply for a job. Here are all my credentials," Lusca stated fluently in his tongue. He handed over a blank sheet of paper that Carmen had handed him. It was designed in a way that it would provide information that the person reading was searching for.

If that person was looking for an assistant, it would list all the credentials Lusca held for it and the same goes for any of the more difficult jobs. He has worked in almost every type of Job in the over a million worlds he has jumped into. After a certain amount of Worlds had passed, it no longer counted Lusca's mates or children with the people he helped have a 'happy ending' and even caused him to fail a time or two resulting in negative points from failure.

Generosb looked at the blank paper and his eyes shifted back and forth as though truly reading something on the paper.

"My apologies Dr. Lusca; I didn't realize you were the Marine Biologist we've been in search of."

"No worries, Mr...?"

"My name is Generosb or Gen for short, Doctor."

Lusca nodded slightly and Generosb faltered a bit before blushing in embarrassment and saying, "If you don't mind me asking.. You look very young for having a PhD in Marine Biology."

"I get that all the time. I just aged very well," Lusca responded with a genial smile. Generosb faltered but gave an awkward smile in response as though he was truly unsure if this information was correct or if someone was pulling his leg.

"Is your Boss in?"

"He's not here at the moment. I'll give him a call and after getting his stamp of approval I can take you to your work area."

Lusca nodded in agreement before moving towards a chair next to where Carmen was sitting swinging her legs in boredment.

''Sorry for making you have to sit here doing nothing.''

[It's fine. I don't really mind. I would've just been lounging around the house with Midori anyways. Might as well come out and help you with protecting our family.]

Lusca smiled at her use of 'our family'. Over the many years, he really had begun thinking of Car as a part of his family, even if she did have issues with saying 'Mother-in-Law'.

 Over the many years, he really had begun thinking of Car as a part of his family, even if she did have issues with saying 'Mother-in-Law'

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About an hour later Lusca had already incorporated himself deeply within the Marine Life Conservation Center and dug his roots deep. It hadn't taken long at all. With a bit of help from Carmen and access to the internet using one of his abilities for monitoring all outgoing and incoming messages, he was able to find the contact information for someone 'high up' in the food chain within the Government handling this Island. 

Luckily the Merfolk were mostly concentrated around this specific Island and didn't have an overabundance of population due to birth rates, he didn't need to worry about other Marine Researchers discovering the Merfolk. Lusca merely needed to take control of the people within the Island to make sure his people didn't get discovered and killed off. It would also help if he could get the Humans to begin cleaning the environment in the process to help heal the Ocean. 

One of the reasons the Merfolk had lost contact with their Goddess is due in part to the disrespect the Humans held for the Merpeoples Mother; she was now too weak to actually speak with her children. 

"Okay. I've sent out correspondence with the Leading body of this Island. Hopefully they'll contact me soon. As of right now, Generosb doesn't seem to be butting his nose to fiercely within the Oceanic problem." 

[We can return back home for now since you'll be able to access it from there with your skill of entering the internet from anywhere without the source due to your upgrade. I'm sure everyone is freaking out right now, wondering where both of us are.]

"I'm pretty sure they know where we've run off to. Anytime I leave and take you with me it usually has something to do with the World's plot. My children are too intelligent to trick and since my Mates have regained most of their memories, it won't really work on them anymore either."

Carmen chuckled at Lusa's slight pout about having to deal with his Mates when they got back. Lusca 'cleaned' his area and walked out of the building after waving goodbye to Generosb. Both Carmen and Lusca quickly made their way back to the cave near the ocean and didn't even bother going inside; once they hit the rocks blocking them from view, they both jumped into the Ocean. 

Immediately, Lusca's body reverted back to its original appearance. It lifted a weight off his body that he hadn't realized had been holding him down without his notice. The feeling was akin to having someone force you to breathe through a straw for a couple hours and then finally being able to breathe without one. 

Carmen quickened their pace to return to the Merfolk's City in a faster time. When they saw the City in the distance, Carmen returned their speed to normal and allowed Lusca to swim back without her help. As they entered the City, both felt the tug of their Mate bonds in a violent manner. It physically hurt and caused them to feel as though someone had just punched them in the chest. 

Five minutes later, both were being bombarded by their scared Mates. 

"What did we say about going together, Bunny?!"

"Welllll, I wanted to scope it out first," he said with a shrug as his Mates shook him violently. 

"I don't know whether to shake you stupid or hug you silly," Laeksces said in a partially hysterical voice. Both men had been extremely worried about their Mate being alone as he visited the Human settlement, anything could've happened. 

"How about you give me a kiss and let's go home?"

Laeksces gave a frustrated sigh before leaning forward to give his Mate a kiss but Tullius was gritting his teeth in frustration. 

Lusca looked at his clearly angry Mate and gave a tired sigh before moving forward to wrap his arms around his sturdy waist.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad, please."

Tullius couldn't hold his anger for long before he wrapped his arms around his Mate and his body lost the previous tension. They settled the obvious anger of their mates and brought them back to their 'house' to tell them of what had transpired.

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