Extra: Surprise!

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Guo De had finished up work early and all the other workers had gone home already. He locked up the front doors and got in his car to drive home. 

As he pulled into the rock strewn driveway leading to the large Mansion at the end of the way, he noticed that the lights were off. Aside from the large fountain built in front, creating a roundabout for cars to easily exit, which was currently glowing white and pouring water from a partially nude woman tipping a jug. 

Parking the car, he turned the keys to shut the car off and stepped out into the night breeze. He looked up and stared at the partially full moon and sighed heavily. Looks like even Car forgot today was my birthday.

For some strange reason, he hadn't seen even a glimpse of that floating red ball all day. The soles of his shoes crunched the rocks beneath them as he reached the small staircase leading to the front door. It took him a few seconds to find the key on his chain before slipping it into the door and shouldering the door open. 

Everything was quiet inside so he opted out of turning the entryway light on and decided to 'feel' his way towards him and his husbands room. Before he could pass the living room, the entire foyer was flooded with light and the loud shout of 'SURPRISE'.

Guo De nearly jumped out of his skin and had actually thrown his keys in his pursuit to slow down his attacker. . His attacker being Xie Kai who was now clutching his throat as his face reddened from the pain. 

"I-I'm so sorry, baby," Guo De hurriedly rushed towards Xie Kai to rub his back as he looked guiltily around at the sparse amount of people who had joined the celebrations. 

Xie Chang clutched his stomach with one hand while the other held a champagne flute and chuckled at his brother's misfortune. A red velvet cake was set up on a table with a honey glazed ham and sides to go along with it. Xie Chang and Xie Kai's most trusted subordinate, Ming, was also a part of the small group that was here to celebrate. 

"Mom? Dad? Why are you guys still up?"

Guo De noticed his mom and new step father sitting on the couch, holding one another and worried about his mom's health. They were both laughing at his Husband's expense and when he asked they simply responded, "To celebrate your life, of course."

Guo De felt very emotional and as his eyes slightly clouded with heavy emotion, both his Husbands moved forward, although one was still in pain, to comfort him. Afterwards, the six people began serving themselves plates of food and enjoyed one another's company. Even Ming didn't feel left out and felt as though he were truly a part of the family. 

Chang lit the candles on the cake and brought it in front of Guo De. In return, Guo De raised an eyebrow at his Husband. 

"It was Kai's idea," he said simply.

The candle was in the shape of a Hill because today was Guo De's 40th Birthday. Guo De pouted and gave a playful punch to his Lover who was on his left. 

"Just teasing, Lover," he lovingly said as he brought the younger man's hand to his mouth to lay kisses on the back of.  


[HOST! I'M SORRY I'M LATE! I've been so busy trying to figure out the perfect gift but you'll have to wait.]

'Thanks, Car.'

Car bounced around the room and once the others began singing happy birthday to him, joined along. Soon everyone had a share of the cake and Guo De sent his parents off to bed while he took care of the dishes as well as putting leftovers away.

"Bunny, let Ming do that," Chang said as he walked up behind him to wrap his arms around his waist. 

Ming came in and gently pushed Guo De aside while Chang directed his younger lover out of the kitchen. 

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