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Disclaimer: Actually only wrote about the first 200 words of this lol x

"You don't understand. Someone has taken my suitcase. This one isn't mine."

I look down at the suitcase that is identical to my own.  I know this isn't mine because mine has a small white ribbon wrapped around the handle and this one does not. And no one seems to get that.

"The ribbon could've just fallen off on your journey."

"So what? I just take this one home, and hope it's mine?"


I'm stood, mouth wide open. "So you don't have some sort of check you can do to find my case?"

"If this isn't your case, then the likely hood is that someone has already taken your case."

"What about my clothes?"

"I'm sorry miss, sometimes stuff like this just happens."

I groan frustrated and turn from the desk. I decide to walk around the airport in search of my case.

I'm about to give up when I see it.

I run forwards and grab my case.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I had been so lost in my relief at finding my case, I had completely forgot that with the case, there was going to be a person. I look up at the boy with my case.

"Oh, hello. This is my case." I point at the case.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. White ribbon."

"I didn't notice that."

"Guess I need a bigger ribbon then."

He laughs, "Maybe you do."

"Well, thanks for my case. I have a plane to get on." I look at my watch.


"So, Do you have-" His impending question was interrupted off by me frantically picking up my suitcase and running off.

"I really have to go! Bye!" Part of me felt bad. A lot of me felt bad. But as my white shoelaces dragged along the airport floor behind me, the only thing I could think about was my flight; The one I was almost late for.

Winded, I finally sat down at my gate, desperately trying to catch my breath on the cold metal chairs. It was only when I looked up and saw the time on the airport clock did I realise that my watch was in fact fast, very fast, as in, 20 minutes fast.

So now, I sat winded, early, and consumed by guilt as I thought back to the guy I rudely cut off five minutes ago.

God I'm the worst.

After a while of staring at my lukewarm Starbucks cup, I came to the conclusion that I shouldn't really worry about the problem plaguing my mind, as I would most likely never see him again and I had far more things to worry about than a stranger with an unasked question.

By the time I had boarded my flight, the overwhelming embarrassment I felt had long gone.

Five minutes.

I was at peace for five minutes.

"Oh it's Ribbon Girl."

I freeze in my seat, I couldn't and didn't want to acknowledge the fact this was happening.

The previous wave of cringe washed over me and I racked my brain in order to create an excuse for my brash actions. I could easily just explain the truth, I freaked out because I thought I was going to miss my flight, however, the irrational thoughts in my brain begged me to lie- almost as if I thought he wouldn't believe the truth.

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