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"I'm currently running on 3 hours of sleep, you do not want to start with me right now." I say, shaking my head.

"But now's the best time."

I shoot Ian an annoyed glance from my position in the passenger seat, only to be met by his smile.

"Look, if you put the milk in before the cereal, you're less likely to have wasted milk." He says, tapping the steering wheel.

"The milk is never wasted, I drink any that's leftover."

He pretends to gag, and I furrow my brows. "Are you trying to say you don't like milk on its own?"

"Only weirdos like milk on its own."

"Oh my God, grow up." I say rolling my eyes.

"Babies drink milk, you're the one who needs to grow up."

"If you put the cereal in last you can't properly see how much you're putting in."

"But I know my milk to cereal ratio."

"Then why does it matter what way round you do it!"

"Exactly so leave me be!"

"No, because your way is wrong!"

Both of our voices had risen to a considerably high level and I sit back in my seat with a huff.

"It just tastes bet-"

"Finish that sentence and I will literally tuck and roll out of your car."

He shrugs, "Go for it."

I punch him hard in the arm and he swerves slightly on the road.

"Woah! Watch it."

"I can't believe I'm going out with someone who puts the milk in first." I muse, shaking my head.

"I can't believe this is what you get butt hurt about on 3hrs sleep."

"I would object to this on 8hrs, it's wrong no matter my frame of mind."

He sighs deeply, "One day I will make you a bowl of cereal and it will taste better than any cereal you've had before."

"No, one day you will make me a bowl of cereal and it won't have enough milk in it."

"You can just pour yourself a glass of milk if you're so desperate to drink it!"

"There's something satisfying about drinking it from your bowl. I once had one of those bowls with the built-in straw."

"That's just a nightmare to clean." He replies, shaking his head.

"Submerging a bowl in soapy water is not a nightmare."

"You can't scrub it."

"One of those metal straw cleaners."


"That's why I usually just bring the bowl up to my mouth."

"So why have a bowl with a built-in straw?"

"It's a brilliant invention in theory!"

"Exactly, in theory." He deadpans.

"Of all the ways for our relationship to end I would never have guessed it would be over cereal."

He rolls his eyes, "You're so dramatic."

"I just can't believe it."

"You don't have to, my cereal preferences don't effect your life whatsoever."

"It lingers in the back of my mind. It's festering as we speak."

"You should go into acting. You have that dramatic flare."

"This is a serious matter."

"It's cereal."

"And I, Ian Baxter, take my cereal seriously."

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