The Christmas Present (Slightly edited lmao)

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This is a book already on my account that I wrote years ago and I've tried to make it at least a little less bad lol - enjoy x

I will forever hate the sun. I hated it then, and I hate it now. It started like that. Sunny. I will never understand why it was sunny in December, but it was. I was sweating from almost everywhere – attractive, I know – but that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that I was surrounded by strangers, in a year long queue, to buy the biggest TV you've ever seen for my boyfriend, James. Why was there such a big queue for a stupid TV on Christmas Eve? And yes, I was buying his present on Christmas Eve, but it was on offer and everyone loves a bargain, including me.

I could feel the breath of the person behind me on my neck and I was surrounded by strangers left, right and centre. My face was a deep red and my shoulders were burning in the midday sun. "Ouch!" Someone stepped on my exposed foot and I almost stumble moving it away. I tucked my hair, blonde from the suns rays, behind my ear and crossed my arms over my chest.

The queue had curved all around the outside of the shop. There were about 50 people in front of me. I wanted nothing more than to leave the uneven pavement far behind, but I had to do this, for James. The queue moved slowly and my shoulders were starting to peel. Why didn't I wear suntan cream?

Slowly moving, so slowly.

I was getting close to the front, only 2 people in front of me. I was going to make it. After all this time I was actually going to get James' TV. Another person went in. my heart was pounding, all this time and finally...

"Sorry everyone, we're sold out." I froze.

"What! You've got to be kidding me." I couldn't believe it. 3 hours burning in the sun for nothing.

"I'm afraid I'm not. Sorry about that. You might be able to preorder one online."

The man was big with a small brown beard, he was wearing the shops uniform and looked at me, face full of pity. I walked away from the building. What was I supposed to get James now? It was Christmas Eve and I hadn't got him anything yet.

Worst. Girlfriend. Ever.

I looked in every shop, every section, and nothing. Nothing would beat the TV. I'd just walked into Argos and was in the toy section of the catalog – yes, I was that desperate. I'd already preordered the TV on my phone, but I can't have nothing to give him on Christmas Day.

Then, I saw something. James has a sense of humour, surely he wouldn't completely hate it. Right? No time to over think it, I just bought it.

Bought it, wrapped it, hid it. Done.

That night was the worst, all I could think was that he wouldn't like it. He'd break up with me and never talk to me again. These thoughts lasted up until Christmas night.

It was time.

My palms were sweating as I handed him the box. His green eyes searched mine. "You look nervous." He said and I swallowed.

" know...just hoping you like it." He nodded and slowly began to unwrap it.

I searched his face for something, anything that would tell me what he thought. Seconds felt like hours until he finally looked up at me. His face broke into a big smile. "Sea-Monkeys? I loved these when I was a kid. How did you know?" He started to laugh. I'd never seen a 22 year old man so happy about Sea-Monkeys. I shrugged a reply and smiled as he pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head. "I love them, thank you."

I sighed in relief. "Thank God."

"I guess it's my turn." He said, rubbing his hands together.

He walked into our bedroom and got something out of his bedside table. "Now I'm not sure how I'm going to beat Sea-Monkeys, but I'll try my best." He walked towards the couch and stopped, standing in front of me. Slowly he dropped to one knee and held a small box out in front of me before opening it. I sucked in a breath as he looked into my eyes.

"Kate, will you marry me?"

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