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"Psst, Ella."

I feel Andy kick my chair behind me.


"What?" I hiss, turning around to look at him over my shoulder.

"Will you go prom with me?"

I laugh, rolling my eyes and facing the front once again. There's no way he can be serious. Andy is in every way the perfect boy. He's one of the only popular boys that's actually a decent person, and that makes him all the more dangerous.



"Go prom with me."


"Why not?"

"Because you're joking."

He leans back offended. "No I'm not."

"Sure." I say, rolling my eyes.

On the social ladder, I'm much closer to the bottom than anywhere near Andy and his friends.

"Oh, c'mon. How can I prove it to you?"

"You can't, because you're joking." I respond, continuing to look forward.

"I'm not!" His voice raises, and he's told to be quiet by the teacher. "I'm not." He repeats, whispering this time.

"Who dared you to do this? Was it Josh? It was Josh wasn't it?"

"What? No, no one dared me. Ella, please I'm serious."

I ignore him, and he sighs deeply, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Go with me."


"Do I have to separate you two or are you going to be quiet?" Our teacher says from the front of the classroom.

We both mutter a 'sorry miss' and don't talk for the rest of the lesson.

After leaving the room, Andy runs after me down the corridor. "Ella."

"What Andrew?"

"Please go with me."

"How many times do I have to say no, the joke isn't funny anymore."

He reaches out for my arm, forcing me to stop walking away from him. "Why are you so sure I'm not serious?"

"Because look at me! I'm not one of you, I'm nowhere near. I'm not your type, I'm not in your league, people like me don't go to prom with people like you."

"Who are you to decide who's my type? Who's in my league? I like you Ella. Really like you. And I have for a while. Whether you believe it or not, I want to take you to prom, and I want to get to know you better."

Everything in me says his lying. Everything is telling me I'm not good enough for him, that it's all one big joke. But what if it's not?

"Please, Ella. Let me take you to prom."

I cave, giving a small nod. He engulfs me in a hug, holding me tight against his chest.

"If this is a joke I'm going to fucking kill you."

"It's not a joke!" He shouts, exasperated. He pulls away and runs down the hall to where all his friends are stood. I faintly hear him as he shouts to his friends.

"She said yes! She fucking said yes!"

They all cheer and hug him, jumping together like a group of idiots and saying their congratulations. I just laugh at them, shaking my head.

I've got myself a date.

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