Love Letter

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Dear Peter,

Just in case you didn't already know, your face was most certainly hand crafted by God himself. How the hell is it fair that your face looks how it does, and mine looks like a marshmallow with some googly eyes stuck to it. If I die alone, it is because of people like you with your beautiful faces, and your athletes bodies, and your perfect style, that are far too good for any mire mortal, like myself.

I can imagine it. Us. I'm lay on the couch, in your arms, inhaling a pepperoni pizza whilst we watch a film. But I can't focus on the film. Hell, I'm struggling to even focus on my pizza. Because you're there. With your sarcasm, your stupid jokes, your freaking perfect eyeballs that roll a thousand times a day. Just you. All of you. And for some unknown reason, you're sat with me. Out of everyone in the world you chose me.

But it's only a fantasy. If it was ever real life, not gonna lie, I would probably spontaneously combust. And I don't think you'd find my internal organs the most attractive thing in the world.

Every time I see you, it's like this urge in the back of my head to go up to you. To just run, jump and hope for the best. Because everything in me is drawn to you. Every bone in my body wants to be close to you.

But I can't.

I don't belong. Not with someone like you. It doesn't work like that. Life doesn't work like that.

When we sit next to each other in science, and you lean over to ask if you can borrow my ruler, my breath gets caught in my throat. It's embarrassing, and I wish it didn't, but I can't control it. You have this effect on me, one that I couldn't even explain if I tried.

All these little things that you do somehow effect me in a big way. I don't understand it. How one person can have so much power over another human being, and you don't even know it. You don't know that you can change my whole mood with just a smile. You don't know that every time you look at me, my heart skips a beat. You don't know, that just the sound of your laugh makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine.

And to be honest, it sucks.

All I want is to run my fingers through your hair, wear your hoodie as if it was made for me, feel your arms securely around me, as if you'd never even consider ever letting go.

I want you to whisper in my ear how much you love me, I want you to brush my hair back behind my ear, I want you to kiss me like you'll never stop.

I want you. All of you.

And if I ever get so lucky, I promise I'll never let you go.

Lots of love,
Lana x

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