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Sirius played with his little motorcycle figurine, rolling it across his desk, over books, and through stray quills. His entertainment was short lived when Remus shoved his arm away. Sirius drove the motorcycle back towards Remus's side of the desk, but was blocked. "Uh-oh," Sirius whispered. "Commander Handsome, we've hit a Remus sized bump in the road." He continuously rammed the motorcycle into Remus's arm in attempt to get him to move it.

"You're going to smudge my ink!" Remus harshly replied, glancing over at Professor Flitwick. He snatched the mini motorcycle from Sirius and placed it at the edge of the table out of reach. "You haven't even started your work!"

Sirius rolled his eyes, slouching into his chair. "I'll do it tomorrow during breakfast."

"It's due tonight."

Sirius didn't respond; his eyes were solely focused on the motorcycle resting at the corner of the desk. When Remus resumed to his essay, Sirius took his wand and performed Wingardium Leviosa under the desk. The motorcycle slowly rose, but Remus slammed it down with his left hand. 

After a few moments, Sirius tried again, but once again, Remus held it down. 

Sirius pursed his lips, thinking of another way to get it back. "Remus look!" he exclaimed, pointing across the room. 

Remus didn't even bat an eye. "I'm not falling for that."

"Fine. But you're missing out on the featherless hippogriff over there." He drummed his fingers against the desk, scanning Remus over. "I'm bored." He lay dramatically across the desk, invading Remus's personal space. "I'm hungry." He turned his head and look up at Remus. "Did you know a baby mandrel can scream up to a million miles away? Did you know quills aren't actually feathers, but sticks with pillow fluff glued to them? Did you know red isn't actually a color? Did you know -"

"Fine!" Remus exclaimed, tossing the motorcycle towards Sirius. "Have it back!"

A satisfied smirk rested on Sirius's face. "Aw Rem, I knew you had a soft spot for me!" He dramatically hugged Remus, driving the motorcycle across the table. 

Remus snorted. "Please let go."

"Magic words?"


"No, it was actually Remus loves Sirius more than James, but that'll do." 

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