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Sirius sat alone in Potions - his least favorite class mind you. James was in a meeting with McGonagall for some stupid quidditch related reason, Peter was kicked out for knocking over a vat of troll boogies, and Remus was in the hospital wing resting after last nights full moon. 

"Seven stirs clockwise," he mumbled to himself. He began to stir his ladle, but caught himself staring at the wall. There was a little fruit fly buzzing around his face. It just had to fly around him. "Little bugger!" Sirius muttered swatting at it. "Shit I lost count!" Sirius stared off to where he assumed the fly was and flipped it off. "Might as well start over. One, two, th-" 

A massive explosion erupted in Sirius's face, drenching him head to toe with green goo. 

"Merlin's Beard!" Slughorn gasped. He ushered Sirius out, refusing to touch him, and stuck a note to his tie. "Go to the hospital wing and get yourself checked out. Wouldn't want anything to happen to your hair, would we Mister Black?"

Sirius smirked, "Thank you!" With that, he took off and bolted to the hospital wing. No more Potions and he got to spend the afternoon with Moony. What could be better?

He strolled through the large double doors with a smug look on his face. Remus sat up in his bed, raising an eyebrow at his fellow Marauder. 

"What happened to you?" Remus asked. 

"A guy can't come to visit his best mate?" Sirius exclaimed. "I blew up my potion because I'm madly in love with you and couldn't bare spend another moment without you."

Sirius could've sworn he saw a little color showing on Remus's pale complexion.

Snorting, Remus rolled his eyes, "Did you lose count of how many times you stirred?"

"It was the damn fly, I tell you!"

Remus chucked, laying back down. "Well, as long as you're here, might as well grab a deck of cards."

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