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"Rise and shine boys!" James shouted, casting a stream of cold water on both Remus and Sirius who were passed out on the floor. "It's Lily's birthday!"

Sirius stirred, wiping his face slowly unlike Remus who shot up like a rocket. 

"Bloody hell," Remus shouted. "A little tap on the shoulder would've done alright, mate."

"What fun would that be?" He sat on his trunk across from the pair with a giddy smile. "Pete and I had the most brilliant ideas last night!"

Peter nodded eagerly. "We wrote it down." He shoved the parchment with smudged black ink all over into Remus' hands. "I don't really remember writing it at all, but you can sort of make out certain words."

Remus rubbed his temples recalling the previous night. All he could remember was James attempting to fly his broom around the dorm and Sirius accidentally lighting Peter's curtains on fire. Everything after that was one big blur. "Dress Snape in McGonagall's roses-er...robes. Dye Malfoy's hair maroon. Put worms in Slughorn's pasta."

Sirius by now had hauled himself off the floor and chucked his shirt blindly on top of a lump of clothes. "I'll get the dye," he said with a smirk.

James clapped his best mate's back proudly. "I knew I liked you for a reason Black. And after I'll get some flowers for Lily. What kind do you think she'd like? Roses? No, maybe Daisies." All three boys stared at I'm blankly. "Peonies it is."

"My mouth is dry," Remus muttered, searching around for a cup of water. "Never let me drink again. Please."

"Maybe get some chapstick, too," James suggested, twirling his wand in his hand. 

Sirius looked over at Remus. "His lips look perfect to me."

Remus brought his hand to his lips and licked them nervously. "Thanks."

"Now's when you say my hair looks perfect. Or my ass. And-"

"We haven't all day to stand around complimenting each other," Peter said. 

"Right you are Wormy," Sirius said grabbing his sweatshirt. "Let's get the flowers first, maybe. Evans probably won't like our pranks half as much..."

James led the group to the door, turning around suddenly. "So peonies?"

All three boys rolled their eyes and shouted, "LILIES!"

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