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"If you're trying to get me on a date with Potter, I'm really not in the mood," Lily said as Sirius approached. 

"Actually, I wanted to get some advice..."

Lily rose an eyebrow, shifting in her seat to face him. "Advice? What could the almighty Sirius Black want from me?"

Sirius took a seat beside her, resting his chin in his palm. "Well, there this...person I fancy. Just a little." Lily's mouth gaped open in surprise, glancing across the room to make sure nobody was within earshot. "And I don't know if I should make a move or not."

"You must really fancy this person." Sirius bit his lip and nodded. "What's her name?"

"Uh - we'll call her R...Rebecca." 

"Okay, so what's so special about Rebecca?"

"She's just...one of my closest friends and always there for me. There's nothing Rebecca can't say to make me feel better in a shitty mood and she's bloody adorable might I add. I just don't know if she fancies me back. It would be so awkward if she didn't and I don't want it to hurt our friendship."

Lily pondered the information, "What makes you think she fancies you back?"

"Well...that's the tricky part. Sometimes I'll slip up or something and I feel like she notices but doesn't say anything. But then we have these moments that I can feel the connection but I just don't know if it's all in my head."

"Maybe you should just compliment her or something that's a little obvious but still friendly so if it backfires you can just say it was just a joke, you know? Like maybe we should go to lunch or something next Hogsmeade. And if she seems skeptical, add 'with the guys and all them' you know?"

"Good, that's good."

At that moment, Remus wandered down the staircase, spotting the pair with a pleasant smile. He plopped down beside Sirius, tucking his book safely under his leg. "Hey guys," he said. "What's up?"

"Just getting Evans to go on a date with Prongs next Hogsmeade, the usual," Sirius said with a nervous laugh. "You know, we should totally get lunch while they're on a date."

"Lunch?" Sirius nodded, his eyes darting between Remus' nervously. "Yeah, with Peter, too?"

"Uh, no..."

"Just us?"


"Yeah that sounds fun." Lily glanced between the two Marauders, a smile forming on her lips. "I should get on my way. I've got a meeting with Dumbledore about, well you know. My furry little problem."

"Bye!" Both Lily and Sirius chorused. 

When the portrait door closed, Lily stared at Sirius with a knowing look. "It's Remus, isn't it!" she whispered. 

"What?" Sirius exclaimed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Rebecca is Remus! You fancy Remus!" 

"Keep your voice down, Evans," Sirius shushed. "Just because you suggested I ask Rebecca on a lunch date and I asked Remus on one has no correlation whatsoever." Sirius got up, scratching the back of his head. 

Lily nodded with a smirk similar to James'. "Well, between us, I think he fancies you too."

50 Ways to Flirt with a WerewolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora