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Peter held up his carrot, glancing at the platter in front of him. "This is a massive carrot," he said. 

Sirius looked at Peter's carrot and shrugged. "Moony's is bigger," he said with a smirk. Remus blushed, and Sirius laughed. "What? Look!" He motioned to Remus' plate. Peter shrugged, taking a bite anyway and continuing with his lunch. "So Moony, you're smart."

Remus chuckled. "Thank you Sirius."

"So say, since I'm a dog, theoretically, why doesn't chocolate bother my stomach?"

"Because you eat it when you're human. And chocolate doesn't bother you as a human."

"Okay. So say we dated." Remus spluttered his water, quickly grabbing his napkin to dab his chin. "Theoretically -


Through the archway, the Marauders could see James joyfully twirling around through the mass of students. He ran into the Great Hall - only to be stopped by Professor McGonagall. "PROFESSOR!" James shouted, grabbing her shoulders. "SHE SAID YES!"

"Mr. Potter," McGonagall said sternly. 

James hugged her. "SHE SAID YES!" He ran past her to the other Marauders and practically leaped onto the table. "BOYS! Guess who Lily Evans is dating?"

"Damon Hackleberry!" Peter shouted. 

Sirius rose an amused eyebrow. "Don't be ridiculous Pete. It's got to be Moaning Myrtle!"

James sat down across from them, wrapping an arm eagerly around Remus' shoulder. He was practically bouncing off the walls. "ME! She's dating me!"

"About damn time," Sirius commented.

Remus pushed James' hand off his shoulder, happily patting the lad's shoulder. "Congrats Prongs!" he exclaimed. 

"You'd think she'd get the hint after all this time," Peter said taking a sip from his goblet. 

"Peter, my brother, you'd be surprised how many people can't take a hint," Sirius said slapping his back, eyeing Remus across the table. 


A/N: I'm kind of sad #50 is coming, but also super happy that this book will be finished!! I started in early March of 2018 and I've written "chapter" #50 a few weeks ago and am so excited to post it in the near future ;) It's really hard to create a "conclusion" to this crazy fun story, so I hope you all like it. Or at least have enjoyed the story so far.

I just wanted to say that reading your comments is hilarious - especially this week. My phone's been blowing up and it really makes my day 10 times better. I read every single one, even thought I don't get a crazy amount they really mean a lot to me. So thank you to anyone who's commented or voted on any chapter. A million XOXOXO's!! -G

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