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Lily spotted her friends as well as a few classmates surrounding James and Sirius, and regrettably walked over to see what was going on. She stood beside Marlene and whispered, "What's going on?"

"We're playing a match of quidditch," she answered. "Wanna play?"

"I'd rather go on a date with Potter than fly on a common household cleaning tool." 

Marlene chuckled, "Suit yourself."

"I get to pick first!" Sirius shouted silencing the crowd.

"What! No I do!" James argued. 

Sirius scanned over the crowd with a devilish smirk. Though he seemed to be surveying everyone, it was clear he already knew who he was going to pick. "Eenie, meanine, miney, Moony," he said pointing to the already blushing boy in the back. 

James couldn't have grinned wider as he picked Marlene for his team. 

They continued back and forth, and when finished, broke off to have a quick team meeting. 

"Uh, Sirius you do know that I don't know how to play quidditch," Remus said nervously lagging behind. 

Sirius shook his head, slinging an arm around his shoulder. "Nonsense, you know all about it. You commentate every game!"

"That's like watching The Godfather and saying you can lead a mafia!" Sirius furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the reference. "Muggle...nevermind."

"Don't worry Rem. Even if you can't play, you'll look great straddling a broom."

"T-Thanks - wait. What?"

"Come on, we've got a game to win!" He smacked Remus' butt, much like a quidditch player would do to his teammate before a game. "You do it for good luck," Sirius explained before jogging off. 

"Come outside, they said," Remus muttered, his cheeks still burning crimson. "It'll be fun...Fun my arse."

"Stop complaining and get your ass on this broom!" Sirius shouted. 

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