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Remus sneezed for about the tenth time in the past five minutes, causing a group of Hufflepuffs to shoot yet another narrowed look at him. "Sorry," Remus mumbled. "Allergies."

Sirius glanced up from his book. 

Well, comic book. 

The Hufflepuff's were doing Hufflepuff things - being nice, loyal, and finding things. Sirius kept his thoughts on the inside. Remus sat beside him, his leg crossed on top of the other, their knees ever so slightly touching. He was doing some sort of puzzle - a crosswalk? Sirius couldn't remember the name, but he didn't really care. He was just admiring the view. Out the window, mind you. Who was he kidding. He was blatantly staring at Remus. The way his eyebrows knit together when he came across a puzzling question. The way he bit the end of his quill in concentration. The way -

Remus sneezed again, covering his mouth with the inside of his elbow. 

Sirius snapped his focus back onto his comic. The group of Hufflepuff's started whispering again, glancing back at Remus every so often. 

"Sorry," Remus said again. 

Sirius flipped his page, eyeing the Hufflepuff's. He could faintly make out their conversation. 

"He's such a freak."

"Hey Moony, I'm bored," Sirius said. "Can you get me a new comic? Please?"

Remus sighed, setting aside his crossword puzzle. "Sure, what type?"

"Surprise me."

Remus wandered around the corner, and the second he was out of sight, Sirius jumped to his feet. He took three lengthy strides before picking up the measly Hufflepuff by his collar, pining him against the nearest bookshelf. 

"One more word about Remus Lupin and I'll huff and puff your black and yellow ass out of Europe!" he seethed. "Do you understand me?" The boy nodded, his eyes laced with fear. "Good." He set the boy down abruptly when he caught glimpse of Remus out of the corner of his eye. "Fuck." He gently straightened the boys collar and awkwardly patted his head. "Nice talking to you." The boy nodded, hurrying with his friends out of the library. 

Remus tossed the comic to Sirius with a questioning look. "What was that?" he asked. 

"Just having a nice chat with Tony."

"I thought his name was Timothy."

"Tony, Timothy, who knows these days."

"What did you say to him? He looked like he was going to shit his pants." Sirius chuckled. Remus using foul language was quite amusing at times. "Sirius?"

"Okay, he was saying some things about you and I didn't like it." Remus nodded, though his confused expression never changed. "I was just trying to stick up for you because...you're my best mate. And nobody can make fun of you. Except me."

Remus couldn't help but smile. "I would've done the same for you too. Because, you're my...best mate, too."

"Good to know."


Remus picked his crossword back up, crossing his leg lazily over the other. A flutter erupted in his stomach when he realized their knees were touching, but he didn't move. He bit the tip of his quill, staring at Sirius who was smirking at something he has just read. 

Best mates... Remus thought. Peter was his best mate. James was like a brother. And Sirius? Remus brushed the idea away of being anything more. But he couldn't help but wonder if Sirius was thinking the same thing he was.

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