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"MOONY LOOK!" Sirius exclaimed bursting through the dorm door. He dragged in a large clothing item, big enough to fit two people, decked in green and red puff balls and tinsel. 

"What is that horrid piece of yarn?" James asked curiously, the disgusted look on his face matching those around him.

"Thanks for the opinion Prongs, but I don't remember asking for it." Sirius held up the oversized Christmas sweater and Remus's eyes widened. "It's a two person sweater!" The red side said Naughty and the green side said Nice, each decked with as much festivity as possible. 

"Padfoot, it's only October!" Peter piped. 

"There is never a wrong time to celebrate Christmas, Wormy!" He shoved one side of the sweater over Remus's head, pulling the other over his. "Comfy, isn't it?"

"Where did you even get this?" Remus asked staring down at his body. 

"I dunno I just found it..."

Remus glanced down again, noticing he was on the Naughty side. "I think we're on the wrong sides, Sirius."

Sirius winked, "Oh come on, Rem, I know you're a little naughty."

 Remus blushed. 

"Are you two done flirting?" James commented behind a pair of unusual pink goggles, "Because I'm ninety percent sure that thing is infested with nargles..."

"I think you've been spending too much time with Xeno," Peter whispered.

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