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"Accio!" Remus called from his bed.

Sirius walked in just as a bottle of ink whizzed past his head. Running a hand through his hair to fluff it, he flashed a cheeky grin. "You don't need to use Accio to make me come, Moony," he said.

"Did you just use a pick up line on me?" Remus asked, his cheeks blooming red.

"What?" Sirius mumbled, frantically searching for something to do. He grabbed a book laying on Peter's trunk and hastily made his way back to the door, "Just came to do some light studying. Bye!" He hurried out, shutting the door with a relieved sigh. "Nice cover, Padfoot," he said patting himself on the back.

Remus sat on his bed, eyebrows knit in confusion as the door slammed. "Sirius doesn't study..."

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