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"Sirius you can't go anywhere you have the flu!" Remus exclaimed, pushing back the robe clad boy back into bed. 

"I'm so bored!" Sirius mumbled as Remus covered him with blankets. "Can't I please just go downstairs and -"

"No." Remus sat on the edge of the bed holding a cup of soup from the kitchens and set it on his lap. "Let me feel your temperature." Sirius sighed, leaning forward as Remus felt his forehead. "Still a fever I suspect. You should eat and get some more sleep."

"Okay mum."

Remus chuckled, "I got your favorite magazine," he said getting up. Walking across the room he picked up a copy of Dog's Playing Quidditch, a series of dogs posing with various quidditch equipment and famous players. 

Sirius' eyes lit up, dropping the spoon immediately. "Bloody hell!" he exclaimed. "Thank you Moony!"

"Don't mention it. I'll always take care of you, even if I get called 'mum'."

"Even when we're old and dare I say it...balding?"

"Yes when we're old and mar-making sure to annoy Prongs and Lily, I will force you to sit in bed and eat soup." Remus blushed, scratching the back of his head. "Hey look at this one, the dog's standing on the broom!" He ushered the magazine in Sirius' hands, faintly smiling at the thought of the future. 

Sirius flipped through the pages with an amused smile. Just as Remus was about to leave him be, he glanced up. "Oh, and Moony? I hope we get old and 'make sure to annoy Prongs and Evans' too," he said with a sly wink. 

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