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"He loves me. He loves me not." Sirius picked the petals off a yellow dandelion. 

"Who loves you?" Remus asked. He sat down beside Sirius under the beech tree. 

"Dumbledore," Sirius answered rather quickly. 

"Why would Dumbledore love you?"

"You know, just a stupid game." Sirius tossed the flower to the side, picking up a stick and tracing things into the dirt. 

Remus picked up the deranged flower and pulled the last petal. "Looks like he loves you."

"If only..."


"Where are the others?" Sirius jumped to his feet, wiping his hands on the sides of his pants. "I thought we were supposed to be putting jello in the Slytherin's shoes today!"

Remus stood up with him. "Oh right. Are you sure that's practical?"

"Moony you gotta live on the edge sometimes."

"Like when I get dressed, instead of sock sock, shoe shoe, I should try sock shoe sock shoe?"

Sirius chuckled. "No. That's psychotic. Maybe don't tie your shoes one day."

"But then I would trip!"

"You're too cute." Sirius bit his tongue immediately. He looked away, running a hand through his hair and shaking it out of his face. "Right. Well let's go find the others."

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