1 | Attackers

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Hello new readers!
I am here to just do a quick PSA so thank you for reading my book. I have noticed the difference in numbers between this chapter and the one after, I encourage you to keep reading as they get better trust me 😂
This book is PRESENT tense oneshots so if you are looking for highschool based this is not the place Sorry. There are a few future tense but I mainly focus on cute moments, drama, set stories etc.
I take suggestions and I update frequently with chapters I have worked very hard on. I love feedback so feel free to message me :)
Thank you for reading, please vote if you enjoy the chapter ;)

Zendayas POV

My heart began to beat fast as I could feel the weight of my bed slowly sink.
I was contemplating looking over as this is exactly how people die in horror movies.

"Zendaya..." I rolled over
"Tom...you scared me" I propped myself up on my elbows, "what are you doing here it's like 1am?"

Tom reached over and turned the on the lamp that was sitting on my bedside table.

"Thomas what the hell did you do!"
I put my hand on the large bruise on his temple and pushed his hair out of the way of the cut on his forehead.
"I'm sorry.."

"Hey woah no...dude no need to apologise..."
I pulled him in for a hug and I could feel him rest his forehead on my shoulder.

"What happened..." I quickly got up and went over to the sink to grab a cloth.
"Three guys...they..." he looked down at his hands

I sat back down and put a hand on his cheekbone lifting his head up slightly and proceeded to clean the blood out of his hair.

The cut wasn't deep and was no longer bleeding.
"They were yelling at me on the street.."
I sighed,
"Let me guess..."

"I didn't fight back Z...I ignored them...and..."
He sniffed back tears.
"And they just kept coming back..." he was crying now, "...they wouldn't leave me alone..."

"Thomas.." I put a hand on the back of his head and I rested his forehead against mine.
He sighed and looked into my eyes.

He slowly leaned in and I could feel his breath on my lips.
We were about to touch when the siren went off.

My head whipped around and looked at the speaker in the corner of my trailer.

"Hello everyone I am sorry to wake you however we are currently under lockdown. Please shut curtains and windows and lock all doors! Do not leave your trailer until given the all clear from us. One of these men is armed the police are on there way just stay calm"

"Tom..." I hated guns and knives and all weaponry in general. My fear is guns and Tom knows it.
"I'm so sorry...." He quickly got up and I grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you going?!"
"To shut the curtains and doors..."

I let him go and watched as he shut the curtains and locked the front door to my trailer.

Afterwards he turned to face me and once again sat on the edge of the bed.
I could hear him kick his shoes off and I could feel him lay down next to me looping his arms around my stomach putting one hand underneath my sweater and the other in my hair.

I leaned in and listen to the police outside.
"I'm scared..."
"I know...I'm so sorry this is all my fault..."

He kissed my head and pulled me closer.
"They are here for me..." he whispered as he traced patterns on my back.
I began to cry.

That's when the first gun went off.
And another.
I could feel Toms hands pressing me towards him as he whispered.

"It's going to be ok...your ok...it's ok..."
My shoulders were shaking and my face was wet with fear.

"Shhh I know I know..."

We could hear police outside followed by swearing and yelling.

Just then another announcement came over speakers.

"All clear everyone it's all clear"

"Shhh Z just try to get some sleep now..."

"Hey just try to sleep babe.."

"No Tom.."
"Hmm..." he looked down at me loosening his arms abit.
"I love you..."

"I love you too."

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